The question of the introduction of an RLM approved camouflage scheme incorporating the new colours 74 Gray-Green, 75 Gray-Violet and 76 Light Blue (respectively : Graugrun , Grauviolett and Lichtblau ) remains enigmatic. The first Bf 109 F-2s photos show a low contrast camouflage consistent with 74 and 75 colours with a heavy overspray of one or both colours taken down the fuselagesides.By August 15, 1941 Messerschmitt had set forth the new scheme with colours 74/75/76 with fuselage mottle of 02/70/74.

The first photos of the Fw 190 which entered service with JG26 in June 1941 , show the same camouflage pattern but with far less mottling on the fuselage.

The reissue of L.Dv.521/1 and 2 in November 1941 incorporated the new scheme. Upper surface camouflage was 74/75/76 with lower surface 65. The 74/75 combination was confined to the upper part with 76 for fuselage sides grading into 65 coloured lower surfaces.Also all spinners were to be painted in 70 with 1/3 in White 21. But that four colour. scheme was never applied. Messerschmitt had already adopted the 74/75/76 scheme by August 1941 and RLM document HM-Anweisung Nr.7/42 dated May 18, 1942 refers to a simplified colour. scheme for Fw 190 , the colours listed as 74/75/76.
The RLM order of August 15, 1944 withdrew from general use the colours 65 ,70, 71 and 74. and introduced the three new colours as 81 , 82 and 83. Unfortunately the RLM failed to identify the nature of the new colours either in descriptive terms or by colour card standards.Dornier company defined both 81 and 82 as Dark Green. Messerschmitt defined these two colours as Brown-Violet for 81 and Light Green for 82.Examination of genuine samples varied. For colour 81 ranging from Dark Green to Brown-Violet and for colour 82 from Dark Green to Light Green.Color 83 is an enigma.Not a single document can specify its true colour. Generally colour 81 is identified as Brown-Violet , colour 82 as Dark Green and 83 as Light Green.