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I believe this is not an infringement of copyright and constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law."
Greetings all;
From Ed Boll IPMS icon and all round good fellow. "...On the Michael L Fritz award for the Best in WWI A/c modeling, sponsored by the Spruce Goose Chapter; The first winner was chosen by 3 prominent National IPMS judges who were not members of the Spruce Goose Chapter. Since then, The MLF award is chosen solely by the previous award winners. It includes such Luminaries as John Alcorn ( proablably the world's Best living A/c Scratch builder, ppictures do not do justice to his Dh-9A and it is only John who could finish Geroge Lee's Coarsair at the NAval Museum), Ben Guenther ( mulitple winner of the Judges Best Aircraft at IPMS Nationals and on a par with John A in scratch building) Steve Hustad and Tom Morgan whom you all know and others. As such, the MLF may be the most difficult award to win. Since previous winners are part of the judging team ( thus not eligible for a "second bite at the apple") they are most concerned with a quality model/builder being added to the list. So with Lance Kreig being the most recent inductee to the "fraternity"; it should serve as inspiration and opportunity for a new addition to the list of winners on the perpetual trophy; not to mention the very pretty and unique award that the individual receives..."
"...Mike Fritz was from LA Habra California, attended Sonora HS, and Junior College before entering the printing trade. Between 1981 and 1985 he won more awards in more categories (everything-all scales in A/c, Armor, Figures, Misc et all) at National IPMS Conventions than any one in the history of the Society. ( a feat still not duplicated in an equal time span) Mike worked predominately in 1/72 scale for a/c, but his detail work rivaled larger scales, even winning the Detail and Scale award with a 1/72 A-4 Skyhawk aircraft- the only one to do so.
With Mike Williams they started Model Technoligies, one of the first companies to do affordable quality photo-etch parts for aircraft. So he stopped competing since his "customers" would be using his products.
Mike was his own person and comfortable with all around him. In November of 1989 he was diagnosed with brain cancer. Despite this he never lost his sense of humor, in fact he is the one who kept up everyones' spirits when we came to visit.
Fortunately just before his passing he was informed of the Spruce Goose chapter's intention to establish the Perpetual Award in his name in his favorite subject; not just for his modeling skill but for the person he was. The pictures that are used on the plaques that are given out to the individual winners are of Voss in his Albatros ( his favorite ace/ac) and Brumowski, the top ace/ac of his family's ancestral home land and a personal connection to the family. ( Both are the John Amemdola Painting used by Glencoe kits with permission of the artist and Glencoe) Although he passed away in February of 1990 just a month short of his 34th birthday; He did see the awards that would be given in his name and as fate would have also have it, the first winner of the award ( the 11th of my eventual 12 triplanes). The Spruce Goose Chapter has a permanent Trophy on which all the names of the winners are engraved it is also shown at the conventions).
As mentioned earlier, once a winner, the person becomes a permanent member of the judging team ( thus no repeat winners) to encourage others, as Mike was always encouraging others to join in this hobby and improve their skills and enjoyment of WW I model building. This fact was one of the most pleasing of the aspects of the trophy to Mike when he was informed of it. Those who knew him still miss having him around..."
Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Hosted by Jim Starkweather
IPMS USA Mike Fritz award for WWI subjects


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Posted: Saturday, March 24, 2007 - 04:07 PM UTC


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Posted: Saturday, March 24, 2007 - 04:18 PM UTC
Here is a bit more on the Mike Fritz Award.

Photo: Ed Boll representative IPMS Spruce Goose and the MLF award.
2001 winner Keith Ward for his excellent Fokker Dr.I. Left to right Ben Guenther, Steve Hustad, Ed Boll, Kieth Ward, Bill Powers, John Alcorn, Ron Lowery

Photo: Ed Boll representative IPMS Spruce Goose and the MLF award.
2003 winner Lance Krieg for his beautiful Curtiss flying boat. left to right is: Bill Powers, Bill Devins John Alcorn, ed Boll , Lance Kreig, Steve Hustad, Tom Morgan

Photo: Ed Boll representative IPMS Spruce Goose and the MLF award.
2004 winner. Sanjeeve volunteers for the WWI modeling page and Copper State Models in the computer / webmaster arenas.
image unavailable
2005 winner Andrei Koribanics

2006 winner Dave Straub
Photo: Ed Boll representative IPMS Spruce Goose and the MLF award.
Photo: Ed Boll representative IPMS Spruce Goose and the MLF award.
2001 winner Keith Ward for his excellent Fokker Dr.I. Left to right Ben Guenther, Steve Hustad, Ed Boll, Kieth Ward, Bill Powers, John Alcorn, Ron Lowery
Photo: Ed Boll representative IPMS Spruce Goose and the MLF award.
2003 winner Lance Krieg for his beautiful Curtiss flying boat. left to right is: Bill Powers, Bill Devins John Alcorn, ed Boll , Lance Kreig, Steve Hustad, Tom Morgan
Photo: Ed Boll representative IPMS Spruce Goose and the MLF award.
2004 winner. Sanjeeve volunteers for the WWI modeling page and Copper State Models in the computer / webmaster arenas.
image unavailable
2005 winner Andrei Koribanics
2006 winner Dave Straub

Photo: Ed Boll representative IPMS Spruce Goose and the MLF award.


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Posted: Saturday, March 24, 2007 - 04:20 PM UTC
To all who build WWI in plastic/resin/ etc etc... This award is one of the most important to our little group. *The Holy Grail if you will. *To win it you must truly achieve the knowledge that 'The modeler and the model are one.' Zen chanting is optional. And never model naked!!!!!! Caveat; Some of the images seen here are not the property of Clarification: " This posting contains material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the owner. This material is being made available to the members of this forum for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
I believe this is not an infringement of copyright and constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law."
I believe this is not an infringement of copyright and constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law."


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Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - 06:00 AM UTC
Perhaps the highest award in the realm of WWI aviation model building is the Michael L. Fritz award. Essentially it is talented modelers in our area of study awarding honours to those of us that excell in building more than a fine model. The award is named after one of the most prolific scratchbuilders I have ever seen. Michael L. Fritz was the kind of modeler I admire and respect. Sadly he is gone west but his spirit lives on in the award that carries his name. Awarded at the USA IPMS Nationals almost every year it is the holy grail to many stout hearts that call themselves "Wingnuts."
"The 2007 Recipient of the Michael L Fritz Award for WWI Modeling is Mark Marez of Fontana Calif. for his 1/72 Albatros D.II at the IPMS NAtional Convention on august 25, 2007. ( Check the history and explinations in other posts on the Aeroscale and the IPMS Journal, Jan/Feb 2007 vol.19,no.1 page 61) This was the 18th consecutive year the Award has been given by the IPMS Spruce Goose Chapter. It is the longest current consecutive Award at the IPMS National Convention." - Ed Boll (drIace)
Photos: Ed Boll representative IPMS Spruce Goose and the MLF award.
"The 2007 Recipient of the Michael L Fritz Award for WWI Modeling is Mark Marez of Fontana Calif. for his 1/72 Albatros D.II at the IPMS NAtional Convention on august 25, 2007. ( Check the history and explinations in other posts on the Aeroscale and the IPMS Journal, Jan/Feb 2007 vol.19,no.1 page 61) This was the 18th consecutive year the Award has been given by the IPMS Spruce Goose Chapter. It is the longest current consecutive Award at the IPMS National Convention." - Ed Boll (drIace)

Photos: Ed Boll representative IPMS Spruce Goose and the MLF award.


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Posted: Saturday, August 30, 2008 - 05:27 AM UTC
And the 2008 winner! Buz Pezold of Atlanta GA. and his AIRFRAMES 1/72 scale vacuform kit of the SHORT 184.
Photo credit to Mr. Bill Powers

Photo credit to Mr. Bill Powers


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Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - 08:25 PM UTC
"The Michael L Fritz Memorial Award for outstanding achievement in modeling of World War I Aircraft, is Harvey Low from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The winning model is a 1/72 Vickers Gun Bus. . .It started out as a Pegasus vac-u-form! (edit: probably an injection molded kit and not a vac.) Congrats to Harvey, He is the 20th winner of the MLF, which is the longest running consecutive specialty award at the IPMS-USA Nats. It is unique in that only the previous winners of the MLF award pick the next recepient, making it one of the hardest to win awards. Harvey will join the previous winners at following conventions for the next selection. This is another unique aspect in that once won, that builder is a forever judge and thus ineligible for a second MLF award. This was part of the original requirements of the sponsoring IPMS SPruce Goose chapter and the namesakes deathbed wish, to aid in expanding interest in WWI aircraft modeling. The gun bus also took a first in the 1/72 rigged category. " Via Ed Boll IPMS and all round good fellow.
Photo taken by and used with permission of Tony Bell.
The winning model is a 1/72 Vickers Gun Bus. . .It started out as a Pegasus vac-u-form! (edit: probably an injection molded kit and not a vac.) Congrats to Harvey, He is the 20th winner of the MLF, which is the longest running consecutive specialty award at the IPMS-USA Nats. It is unique in that only the previous winners of the MLF award pick the next recepient, making it one of the hardest to win awards. Harvey will join the previous winners at following conventions for the next selection. This is another unique aspect in that once won, that builder is a forever judge and thus ineligible for a second MLF award. This was part of the original requirements of the sponsoring IPMS SPruce Goose chapter and the namesakes deathbed wish, to aid in expanding interest in WWI aircraft modeling. The gun bus also took a first in the 1/72 rigged category. " Via Ed Boll IPMS and all round good fellow.

Photo taken by and used with permission of Tony Bell.


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Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - 09:34 PM UTC
That is a brilliant rule about judging. Sort of invited into the Magicians circle. or the Masons.
Love that shorts 184. There is a jetty not 200yds from here where they launched them.
Oh and I love Tom Morgans T-shirt, I hope it has upper colour on the back
Love that shorts 184. There is a jetty not 200yds from here where they launched them.
Oh and I love Tom Morgans T-shirt, I hope it has upper colour on the back


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Posted: Thursday, August 27, 2009 - 01:07 AM UTC
Just a little correction. Pegasus kits were not vacuform. However, with some of them and the amount of work that would go into them, it would probably be easier to build a vac than some of the earlier Pegasus kits.
Which is not to belittle the work done on the Gun Bus. It's definitely fantastic work!!!


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Posted: Thursday, August 27, 2009 - 08:56 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Just a little correction. Pegasus kits were not vacuform. However, with some of them and the amount of work that would go into them, it would probably be easier to build a vac than some of the earlier Pegasus kits.Which is not to belittle the work done on the Gun Bus. It's definitely fantastic work!!!
Matt is of course correct. Pegasus did injection molds. Some of these were a tough build. Pegasus (1/72) - Blue Max (1/48) Only recently closed its doors.
You note that some images have gone missing. I am in the process of replacing them with the help of that good fellow Ed Boll.


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Posted: Monday, August 09, 2010 - 11:05 AM UTC
From Mr. Ed Boll, "The IPMS nats 2010 winner of the MLF Award for Excellence in WWI Modeling was the 1/48 Caproni CA 3 by Kevin Wenker of Peoria, AZ. . . This was the 21st consecutive year that the award has been made. The MLF is the longest running consecutive Speciality Award in IPMS History; it is the ONLY Award that is judged solely by the previous winners. Thus it may well be one of the most difficult awards to win due to high standards established by the previous winners."

The MF winners at Phoenix, left to right :Bill Powers (1999), Ed Boll (1990), Dave Straub (2006), Kevin Wenker (2010), Mark Merez (2007), Bill Devins (2000).

The MF winners at Phoenix, left to right :Bill Powers (1999), Ed Boll (1990), Dave Straub (2006), Kevin Wenker (2010), Mark Merez (2007), Bill Devins (2000).
Posted: Monday, August 09, 2010 - 11:59 AM UTC
I modeled with Steve Hustad when I lived in Minnesota. Actually, I just stared in slack jawed amazement at his work. A big salute to all of the MLF winners.


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Posted: Monday, August 09, 2010 - 04:55 PM UTC
Nice thread Stephen,
Anyone notice Bill wearing the same shirt in 2003 and 2010?
Hey, I know this guy for at least the past 35 years, maybe closer to 40 --- lives down the road a piece.
Still does amazing models.
Anyone notice Bill wearing the same shirt in 2003 and 2010?

Hey, I know this guy for at least the past 35 years, maybe closer to 40 --- lives down the road a piece.
Still does amazing models.

Removed by original poster on 08/23/13 - 12:14:28 (GMT).


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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - 03:34 AM UTC
Its that time of year again. So there are no mistakes these images come from the Master Modeler Ed Boll. And we have permission to use them.
The 2011 IPMS Nats winner of the MLF award.
"Hello Stephen,
Attached are pictures of the 2011 Michael L Fritz Memorial Award for Excellence in WW I Modeling.
First picture: 1/32 Dh-9a by Ben Fulcher III of Edmond, Oklahoma.
Second Picture of the Previous winners: Ben Fulcher knelling Middle; Standing l to r: Ben Guenther '93, Steve Hustad '94, Ed Boll '90, Bill Devins '00, Kevin Wenker '10, Dave Straub '06, present but not pictured; Bill Powers '99 and Tom Morgan '02.

In addition to the MLF, the model also was 1st in Category, Judges Best A/c and the winner of the Special Centennial of Naval Avaition 1911-1939 Trophy. Appreciate your posting at your convenience. (I really should learn how to do this my self).
All the best,
Ed Boll"
The 2011 IPMS Nats winner of the MLF award.
"Hello Stephen,
Attached are pictures of the 2011 Michael L Fritz Memorial Award for Excellence in WW I Modeling.
First picture: 1/32 Dh-9a by Ben Fulcher III of Edmond, Oklahoma.

Second Picture of the Previous winners: Ben Fulcher knelling Middle; Standing l to r: Ben Guenther '93, Steve Hustad '94, Ed Boll '90, Bill Devins '00, Kevin Wenker '10, Dave Straub '06, present but not pictured; Bill Powers '99 and Tom Morgan '02.

In addition to the MLF, the model also was 1st in Category, Judges Best A/c and the winner of the Special Centennial of Naval Avaition 1911-1939 Trophy. Appreciate your posting at your convenience. (I really should learn how to do this my self).
All the best,
Ed Boll"


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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - 07:05 AM UTC
Amazing and inspirational looking builds Stephen – thank you for posting.


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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - 09:46 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Matt is of course correct. Pegasus did injection molds. Some of these were a tough build. Pegasus (1/72) - Blue Max (1/48) Only recently closed its doors.....
Just for the "correctness of the record". Blue Max and Pegasus haven't "closed their doors" at all. Far from it. The line was bought by Colin Strachan of Freightdog Models a couple of years back and many of the kits from both ranges are very much still available. The latest release, the Blue Max Macchi M.5, was totally under Freightdog's aegis. Although the plastic parts were produced by Chris Gannon before he sold the company, the resin, decals and etched brass are all from Freightdog.
I'm reliably informed that the Blue Max line will continue to produce new kits and conversions in resin and their next is due for release at the UK Nationals at Telford - if not before.


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Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - 10:05 AM UTC
That post from 2009 was when Chris Gannon closed his shop(2008). In 2010 we were aprised of Freigtdog's purchase.
Click Here.
Click Here.


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Posted: Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 07:29 AM UTC
Beautiful model.
we really need to give Bill a new shirt.
we really need to give Bill a new shirt.


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Posted: Monday, August 13, 2012 - 08:37 PM UTC
Hello Aeroscale,
That time of the year again, attached are images of the 2012 Michael L Fritz Memorial Award winner for Excellence in WW I Modeling. As always, I appreciate your posting them to the Aeroscale Early Avaition site.
The Winning a/c was a 1/48 Roden Bristol F2b by Jose Ricardo Parion of Barcelona, Spain.

The Group Photo Left to Right are: Dave Straub (2006) Bill Powers (2002), Jose Ricard Parion (2012) , Bill Devins (2003), Ben Guenther (1993) and Ed Boll (1990)

Ed Boll
That time of the year again, attached are images of the 2012 Michael L Fritz Memorial Award winner for Excellence in WW I Modeling. As always, I appreciate your posting them to the Aeroscale Early Avaition site.
The Winning a/c was a 1/48 Roden Bristol F2b by Jose Ricardo Parion of Barcelona, Spain.

The Group Photo Left to Right are: Dave Straub (2006) Bill Powers (2002), Jose Ricard Parion (2012) , Bill Devins (2003), Ben Guenther (1993) and Ed Boll (1990)
Ed Boll


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Posted: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 - 04:39 AM UTC
A few more photos of this years winner:


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Posted: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 - 07:33 AM UTC
In a word, magnificent.
Thanks for posting this, truly inspiring work, and congratulations to the new Champion!
Thanks for posting this, truly inspiring work, and congratulations to the new Champion!


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Posted: Thursday, August 16, 2012 - 03:52 AM UTC
Quoted Text
In a word, magnificent.
Thanks for posting this, truly inspiring work, and congratulations to the new Champion!
I echo Lances comments. It is truly inspirational.


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Posted: Saturday, August 18, 2012 - 01:58 PM UTC
Thanks Dave for posting the additional images of the 2012 winner!


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Posted: Monday, August 19, 2013 - 01:20 PM UTC

It is my extreme pleasure to post the following! The winner of the MLF award for 2013 is Mr. Joe LoMusio

"Easily one of the greatest nights of my life. My "Nieuports of the Great War" (a project that took me 18 months to complete, and was done for this Nationals) took first place in its category... AND then also won two specialty awards - Best Miscellaneous for the Show, and more importantly, the Michael J. Fritz Award for Excellence in World War One Aircraft Modeling. It is the first time that award was given to a mutliple plane entry. It was interesting, that all through the week, IPMS officials thought that this display was a Group Entry, and were surprised to realize that it was an individual entry. The Fritz award brings you into a fraternity of previous winners (some in the photo), your name is engraved on the large trophy plate. Wow, what an evening."

Here the past winners gather to present the award.
The MLF Group l to rt . Bill Powers '99, Lance Kreig '03, Tom Morgan '02, Bill Devins 2000, Joe LoMusio '13, Ed Boll 1990, Dave Straub '06, Ben Fulcher '11, Ben Guenther '93.
Posted: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 08:29 AM UTC

Wow! The strain of doing complex rigging certainly takes its toll on you! The oldest guy in the picture is only 30!

But seriously - congratulations to Joe. That looks like a superb display of Nieuports.

All the best

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