109 Down!

Realizing that the tail surfaces were pretty light weight and would show a lot of damage, I cut to expose the ribbing in the control surfaces and cocked the rudder to show some landing damage there. While I was feeling good about this Dremel work I damaged the trailing edges of wing control surfaces as well. While I was in the area I placed some items in the "debris field"-tail wheel assembly and landing gear door.

About the Author

About Chuck Shanley (CRS)

I've been building kits since about the mid 1950's. I've built all kinds of subjects, but for the past 20 years or so I've seemed to focus mainly on 1/72 Aircraft and Armor. Why 1/72, mainly for space conservation I build alot. I build primarily for my own enjoyment, and Armorama has helped to en...


wow he did a nice job on that plane.....
AUG 12, 2003 - 11:22 AM
I like the dio, I've been thinking of doing one of maybe the Apaches that went down in Iraq, but I'm afraid i may overdue the damage, and I haven't seen any pictures of their crash sites
AUG 12, 2003 - 12:44 PM
:-) Great Job, Chuck That pilot looks like he is running for his life.
AUG 12, 2003 - 07:31 PM
Looks fantastic! Stephen
AUG 13, 2003 - 08:13 AM
i saw the article. very cool dio. i like it, i thought to make a crashed bf 110
AUG 13, 2003 - 08:18 AM
Beautiful plane, even better crash. Good job.
AUG 27, 2003 - 06:11 PM