Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
1/32 Roden GB 2008 SE5a - Hugh
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 10:50 PM UTC
As can be seen above, I had previously painted all the white sections and then masked and sprayed on the PC10.
This included the Fuselage roundel (which was intended to be masked and sprayed in it's entirety and then ended up being from the Eduard Camel sheet from their Dual Combo. I think you will agree that the Blue in the Eduard Roundel is a good match for my sprayed blue on the wing roundels.) and the "Kangaroo" band.

This was then masked thus,

Using Tamiya Tape and Humbrol Maskol fluid,

and then sprayed over with Red.

Here is what appeared after a tense session of removing the Maskol and getting rid of all the daggy bits of red that got left behind after the Maskol was removed.

More very soon (Although this weekend will be occupied with a trip to the Melbourne Summer Royal Horse show with wife and wifes clydesdale mare... Hope she (the Mare) is good enough to place better than 4th this time...)... Mind you, it is a long weekend here in Aus for the celebration of the landing of the "First Fleet" at Botany Bay way back in 1788... so I should find time to get on the home stretch.


West Virginia, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 01:04 AM UTC


The Kangaroo is awesome. The masking was extremely effective. Did you paint the kangaroo on or use a mask for it?

Excellent, excellent workmanship.

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 02:09 AM UTC
Hugh , I like the way you used the liquid mask to do the kangaroo . much easier then having to cut that sucker out ! Yes I would say your shade of blue on the roundels is very , very close to Eduards . Looking awesome Hugh

Good luck at the horse show this week end
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 02:25 AM UTC
weathered in a little this will look just awesome........Maskol you just have to love it, or altrnatively masking fliud from art shops....its excellent to.

Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - 03:15 AM UTC
Just love this lesson of masking with maskol, and the rest is just awesome.
Like it

Larsa Q
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 - 10:32 PM UTC
Bugger this for a game of soldiers... It was 43.1°c in Mebourne today and it is not going to drop below 30 over night. I just tried to do some detail painting and the paint was drying on the brush...

This is going to have to wait until things cool down a bit.

The forcast for tomorrow is 44°c...!



Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 - 10:56 PM UTC
We got 3* c here in Sweden, the paint dries slowly. At least you can have a beer outside, for me there's hot chocolate

Larsa Q
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 05:23 PM UTC
Very well. The Roden 1/32 Group Build final extension is . . .drum roll please. . .February 28, 2009. BUT we can accept no further builds. After that - the axe must fall ya'll.
Victoria, Australia
Joined: November 26, 2006
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Posted: Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 09:31 PM UTC
Thanks Stephen. It was even hotter here today and my modelling room is like a sauna.

Looking forward to a cool change.


Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Friday, February 06, 2009 - 08:34 AM UTC
Well guys and gals, aside from a few little details, bugger all progress has been made here.
The weather has been against me. I have spent every evening this week either at CFA (Country Fire Authority) community meetings or evacuating our horses and preparing the property for the worst.
In 1982, Australia had an event we refer to as Ash Wednesday. Fires in South Australia and Victoria destroyed thousands of hectares, homes, and some lives.
Todays weather forcast os for mid 40's with 30-40 Km Northerlies (Hot).
The hot weather last week has dried every thingout to the point where a carelessly dropped cigarette can cause a disaster.
Lightning strikes last monday caused spot fires in the state parks 4-6 km south east of our property, which have burnt since. The terrain between our property and the fires is impenatrable mountainous forest. If a fire starts in there, the best you can manage is containment lines and aerial bombing. The Ericson Tanker chopper and converted tanker Hueys have been working all daylight hours while the DSE (Department of Sustainability and the Environment), who have durestiction of the state parks try to create fire breaks.
the fires however, continue to spread.
The Weather today will see me at Gembrook waiting to defend he house and the Factory (My Wife, Simone and Her Father are Book Binders and the Factory is on the Property)... Simone will stay here with her Mother.
Although Fire Threatened this property in 1982, A fortuitous wind change saved this area back then.
An area known as Wrights forest os only 2 km south - south east of here though and the CFA consider it to be indefensible.

Anybody who is interested in following the prgress of Today can have a look at
http://incidentalert.com.au/iav4/default.asp .

Click on the Current FIres Map.

The red spots on the Interactive Map that come up as Bunyip and Bunyip State Forest are the ones that I will be watching.

Cheers, and all being well, I will be able to do some modelling next week.

Colorado, United States
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Posted: Friday, February 06, 2009 - 08:52 AM UTC
Dear Hugh,

It sounds as if you have both hands quite full. Please take the greatest care with the gallant and extremely diffucult work you are doing. Be safe you old skallywag and we will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Friday, February 06, 2009 - 10:01 AM UTC
Thanks Stephen,
I am at Gembrook now (On the Ma in Laws lap top). All is calm at the moment. One can only hope that it stays that way.
I know it won't though. The bureau is predicting record high temperatures and high winds, which can only assist the fire in its efforts to combat the fire fighters.
All is prepared here as much as it can be. Hoses, buckets of water with towels and mops for dowsing spot fires from ember attack.
Leaf litter is cleared away and the Ma in Law has packed her car to the gunwals with "memorabilias" (as Fa in Law calls them...); it's amazing the stuff they have accumulated. Icons and Church Relics from Jerusalem, Roman pottery and shards of same from the Rhine, Antique books (1450's and ealier)... She wanted to take the portraits of the great grand parents, but they are far to fragile to move. They will just have to stay on the wall.
I have to go out now and plug all the roof guttering so that when we turn the sprinklers on, the Gutters fill with water.
Petrol powered pumps are primed and test run. These run off tank water as the first thing to go when a fire comes through is, ironically, the mains water.

Back soon.


North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Friday, February 06, 2009 - 10:36 AM UTC
Here I've been laying low for a bit.............and all h*** breaks loose around here. FIRE? That's no fun Hugh. Tell it to go away and get back to work......

Been there, done that with our Hurricane preps and evacuation. Can defend "some" against the wind, but one can't fight the water surge.

Keep track of all the Hugh's.....and ma and pa in laws..........with all the goodies. We old folk know how to take all the goodies with us.

Good luck............I've been trying to figure out those fire maps.......at least i know what part of the world to look for you in.

Will keep looking back for updates.....

Oh....and what Stephen said goes for me too, he said it better than me.

Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Friday, February 06, 2009 - 11:05 AM UTC
Thanks Steve,

Just east of Mebourne you will see two red spots (zoom in using your scroll wheel). This is the Buyip Ridge fire that started yesterday and the Towts Track fire that has been going on and off since Tuesday.
Just to the the left of those spots is a yellow spot from a grass fire that started this morning. That is Gembrook. I am currently sitting in Gembrook North. If you Zoom in far enough you will see Warwick Rd. That's exactly where I am (actually in that L shaped little tacked on bit).

Aint Google Earth amazing?


Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Friday, February 06, 2009 - 01:46 PM UTC
Hugh , I pray for you all, that nothing bad happens and everyone remains safe !
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Friday, February 06, 2009 - 05:06 PM UTC
Lots of smoke in the sky. Wind is still a hot 40-50 Km NNE. No indications of any particular fire that might be pushing smoke our way as there are (fortunately) no close fires north of us at this stage.

We are sitting tight for the time being, staying in the relative cool of the house listening to Mahler's thrid symphony. Its lucky that Wolfgang and I share the same musical tastes.


North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Sunday, February 08, 2009 - 10:24 AM UTC
Hey Hugh,

Since the powers that be moved the thread...........I wanted to keep our thoughts with you on YOUR thread. Pulling for you............and praying for rain........no lightning.

Victoria, Australia
Joined: November 26, 2006
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Posted: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - 09:55 PM UTC
Stephen, I think I am going to have to bow out of the group build on this one.

Things have been so hectic here the last couple of weeks, I have had absolutely no time to even contemplate modelling.

My apologies to all. I will finish this soon... just not by the 28th.


Colorado, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 - 09:59 PM UTC
No worries Hugh,

We all totally understand. It is a given and we are glad you and your beloved are safe and well. That means far more to us here that a kit. Model On when you can!
West Virginia, United States
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Posted: Thursday, February 19, 2009 - 05:23 AM UTC

Take care, Hugh. We are all thinking of you.

Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, April 05, 2009 - 09:41 AM UTC
Well, I have needed some inspiration to get back into this build... Not sure why.

I have found what I needed though in Wingnutwings Website!

Definitely more progress soon.


Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 05, 2009 - 12:43 PM UTC
Well here is a bit more Roden was asking about the unfinished builds a couple of days back. It seems there is more than mild interest. Model On!
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 06, 2009 - 10:58 AM UTC
Unfinished builds? Mines just sitting in a nice cool place waiting. Like Hugh.............I'm waiting for that divine inspiration to strike. Right now my "inspiration" is over on the dark side.........."Model Shipwrights". Come visit.

Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 - 01:29 AM UTC
Jeez... There is always something to stuff life up.

My wife Simone's beautiful Clydesdale filly Sienna (See Photo) was running around in her paddock on Monday afteroon and she slipped and fell heavily on her left hip. She was unable to walk after she finally got up. The vet diagnosed a fratcured pelvis, but reckoned that with rest and time, it would heal.
Sienna has been in a lot of pain, and has struggled for the last two days. My darling wife has nursed her round the clock.
This afternoon Sienna went down with colic brought on by a combination of the pain and the eodeama caused by the fracture obstructing her bowel. We had no option but to let her go.
I am crying as I type. Sienna was such a personality. She had such a great sense of humour.
She was three years old. She was bred by the Cox family up near Swan Hill (Northern Victoria). She had won a string of ribbons in Led classes and had won her age class at the Melbourne Summer Royal earlier this year.
We will miss her more than I can say.

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 - 01:42 AM UTC
I'm deeply sorry to hear the loss of Simone , she is a very beautiful animal .