In the Jagdstaffel 5 Datafile Special from Albatros publications, you have a pic of this aircraft in a hangar of the Jasta 5, just beyond a Fokker and the profile is given on plan view of this publication,picture on page 18 pic #77.
Dan San Abbott says, ". . . after having reviewed the photgraph of the Jasta 6 Fok.Dr.I that MvR used to visit Jasta 5 prior to Operation Michael which was to commence on 21 March 1918. It certainly appears there is a Pfalz D.III(a) in the hangar in the background. I am not sure the dark color is forward of the cockpit. It would be uncharacteristic to paint the entite fuselage in Jasta 5. However nothing is impossible. I always thought that Pfalz was a visitor?
The background on Dan's comments are in reference to Manfred von Richthofen visiting Jasta 5 before "Operation Michael ." As mentioned previously here MvR would walk out to the ready line choose an aircraft and go to local units for meetings. Thats how the Dr.I wound up at jasta 5. The Pfalz on the other hand is a whole different story and it was not uncommon to find them in units as a single example or in twos. Even Jasta 11 had their Pfalz D.III.
Note also that units sometimes had to take replacement aircraft and the depot sent whatever they had available. So the scheme on this Pfalz D.IIIa may not be Jasta 5 typical for the time, but Jasta 5 was in transition to receiving some older Jasta 11 Dr.I types as well.
What was it Hauptmann Heidemann said to Bruno Stachel? ". . .upto date machines go to experienced pilots and both are in short supply. . ."