Hey! I've done some on this.
Got so far as painting, I have to say prewarned as I was I'm very dissappointed with the finish some of which only came to light since she was topcoated.
I have one of those camera's that finds flaws and highlights them darmaticaly
Still this is where I stand, all rigging points are drilled and tags fitted where they seem deemed. CDL was preshaded and topcoated nicely, I didnt realise then how rough the top wings were.
Sprayed the top as PC12 (I dont want to go into the my PC12 is better than you PC12 debate

) using Humbrol 160 unfortunately this seems to have a soft never properly drying feel to it, before going further I let it dry, sprayed several coats of Tamiya clear over, all of which seemed to sink in leaving her with a satin sheen....SO silvered decals resulted (another one of those *you should have stoppd* moments).
I lightened the finish with a few coats of desert yellw here and there, oblivious to the fact the decals must have still been drying out as they hadnt silvered by then.
So looks like I'll be building a tatty workhorse,
Still some details to add like the cartridge chute patches around rigging points (cant do till I get her at the rigging stage.)
Anyway some pics, I'm sure the finish on the upper wing espeially will be glaringly obvious.
I have to say though I loved building this but if the quality control has slipped so badly at Roden I will hesitate before buying another new release from them.
anyway heres some pics to disect.

At this point I'm wondering whether to invest some of my non-existant money in a set of Pheon decals..whether to sand down and respray the bad areas or just to leave well alone. The camera did highlight things I didnt see and with the naked eye are difficult to pick out.