Kornbeef got naughty, set the Albatrossen and Fokkers on hold and dived in.
First impressions were good as I perused the sprues, sadly a few things came to light after. Sink marks and the finish on some of the parts leave a lot to be desired and one half of the fuselage wasnt fully moulded.
Heres my solution to that along with a little extra detailing (and smoothing of the cheeks panels) I also took out the two little hatches, I cant find a pic of a tripe with these anyway.

That said the parts are warp free, unlike both my WNW DVa's. Roden have done a reasonable job of subtle rib detailing and much of the kit looks correct. I'm sure many of the shortcomngs found by others are well enough documented. Pheon models produce a set of fuselage halfs which are longer, apparently the kit is based on the dims of the prototype and the production tripes were a tad longer. Anyway I couldnt afford the extra expense and set about the old way of modding...ie: splicing 6mm into the fuselage.

Once the lower wing/cockpit floor is in place I'll make good and reprofile the lower edge to blend it in better.

Here is the coaming with its spliced/botched extension, it will be tidied up once the fuselage is joined and I can work it into place of course. I added the cross member and small compartment door behind the pilot. I see it on a few pics of tripes and pups so toook it as a built in feature and not a mod.
t Heres he cockpit interior still very WIP, I shaved off all the woodwork and rebuilt it out of strip, the fuselage interior seemed a little rough so for a few hours work and thankfully no bloodloss I did it....insane I know, but shaved off and reused the trimwheel too. I added a simple rendition of the bracing cables, I am going to thicken them where the turnbuckles are with PVA or such and added the tail adjusting cables.

The cockpit floor, this is a *grey area* for me, following Jamo's build and what reference I have, to give my own representation...yes I dunno how I missed those 2 ejector pin marks either

Paint is:-
Citadel Bleached bone for linen
Citadel Bubonic Brown for wood base coat followed with their Fleshwash and drybrushed over with more Bub Brown.
Citadel Chaos Black and Shining gold for fittings.
All dirtied in with Tensochrom Smoke (lifecolor)
It may look rough but seems okay when peering through the top when dryfitted together.

I wasnt happy at all with Roden's axles so salvaging what info I had set about improving the set up. Completely junking the axle I rebuilt it out of stock and rod. The axles themselves are steel wire inside plastic tubes, I added the bungee fitments out of 1mm brass tube (completely missing in the kit & the bungees shown upside down and attached to diddleysquat) and the bungees themselves out of PC datacable, finising off with retaining plates out of strip and fixed all the cable mounting points before final assembly

The wheel discs are awful..sorry I canot say better than that, the finish is so bad they would pass for basketweave. So I stole some from my Roden SE5a (I have a set of Mastercaster wheels which are the right size but the tyres are out of shape...sighs) Some how in the confusion I lost a kit wheel so am hoping it reappears as these thinfgs often do.
Thats all for now folks
Happy New Year to all