A few years ago when I came up with the idea of the Storyboard Diorama,Shep Paine ,the father of the modern model diorama, asked me what I meant by the term storyboard diorama ,a term that I had come up with while I was in the process of building my "Keepers Of The Flame "diorama.I had got the idea while studying the work of Walt Disney and his story boarding techniques for cartoon making.
I realized that my diorama really was a series of vignettes within a larger overall diorama,in other words many stories within the same overall storyline.
Up until that time Shep told me that he had always called them "models with figures".Well I thought that this description was a little vague and really did not describe what they really were very well.
I have since then become aware of other diorama makers calling their work storyboard dioramas too which I think better describes what they actually are.
"The Homecoming " will be another storyboard diorama. I will explain the stories with in the main story as I go along.
Usually the best dioramas really don't need explaining but they are usually more along the line of the vignette type where the story is obvious.The "stories within a story" type is a little different and that is why I call them storyboard dioramas.They are more suited to a modern museum setting where they can be better described using all the recently available audio or visual techniques.
I have storyboarded all of my museum dioramas already using written text and digital pictures. I only wish that I was more computer friendly as I know that there now exists software out there to make your own power point presentations complete with all kinds of special effects.The problem is that I don't have the time to learn right now and still get the modeling done.Maybe later...