I previously masked the front windscreen with strips and pieces of Tamiya tape detacked, after test fitting it which yielded a perfect fit. I glued it in place using Tamiya Extra Thin.
I built up the main landing gear and drilled out the lightning holes. Brake lines are nicely molded on the struts, so there was no need to replicate them with wire.
Finally, it's time to prime. I'm most comfortable air brushing Tamiya Gray Surface Primer thinned with their Yellow cap Lacquer Thinner @ a flow rate of 20 psi.
The primer coat looks about as perfect as I can get it, and there just weren't any areas that I found that needed any additional work. So earlier today I air brushed on the base color: Model Master enamel Medium Gray FS36251. I haven't used enamel paints since the mid 1970s, as I've been strictly a Tamiya Acrylic devotee since my return to the hobby several years ago. But curiosity just got the better of me, and I had to try it. I also purchased their red can of thinner. Not having a clue at a starting point for thinning it, I decided to go on the thinner side then my usual mixture, so I could lay down a nice even wet coat. I went used 2 parts paint to 3 parts thinner @ a flow rate of 16 psi. Damn, for once I got it right the 1st time!! The paint session took nearly an hour, and not once did the tip clog!!
The color is very close to the shade of the primer, but it's there. Here's picture of the exhaust area where I masked it off for the Alcad base.
So it's now a waiting game of a few days to let the enamel paint really cure, and then the next color will be applied. I'm going to be doing some post shading, but not too much as I want my Eagle in pristine condition.
Thanks for stopping by and having a look.