Another one of Eduards double kits, this is the Spit XVI bubbletop/highback combo. I do already have the Royal Class boxing (of course) so I would probably had been better off with twin bubbletops but you can't have everything your way, can you

Once again, Eduard really manage to do a classy box. Solid as a safe as well!
Box contents can be found elsewhere, apart from that I had started building before it occurred to me to photograph the untouched plastic

Interior parts on sticks (I know you have been missing them...)...

...fuselage halves, top cowl and lower wing seen from the outside. Note three-piece coolers giving nice detail on all surfaces!

...lower wing with mulit-piece gear wells installed...

...and finally, during an attack of seldom seen cleverness, the upper wings with wing tips and ailerons glued in place. From the inside. Avoiding the unavoidable (or at least when it comes to me) glue mess!

I am not very fond of PE but I'll use what there is this time, pre-printed instrument panel looks really good...

...and a few smaller placards for the fuselage interior! And while were at it, interior green is Gunze 312.
Everything is supplied in plastic as well (including a separate engraved panel if you prefer painting!) so you won't have to use the PE if you don“t want to.
I'll do only the bubbletop, I think I'll try to avoid any double-builds just to see if I can raise productivity a bit. I tend to get stuck in my builds over some boring bit or another and with double builds there are twice as many hurdles to overcome. At the same time...
