Hi All,
Mike, nice recovery! Your issue isn't the worst I've seen (clear coat shattering post decals) , though close to it! Looks like no hangar queen for you on this one.
While my build has been a back burner, I decided to add Eduard's PE Sutton harness for this build. A good exercise in patience, though it turned out nice I think.
Until these pictures were done, I didn't notice I missed the lever that raises the seat. Fortunately, with things closed up, you don't really notice.
I proceeded to clean the fuselage, not much needed. Following the instructions, I removed the two raised things on each upper wing. I'm not a Spitfire person, so I'm sorry I don't know what they are called, or what they were used for! An easy job, and from the reference pictures they are not on the plane I'm doing. So far, so good. This is going really fast!
I broke from the instructions and opted to glue the top wings to the fuselage prior to adding the main underwing.
I tend to go out of my way to avoid doing filler, and this method usually works to avoid fit issues for wing roots. This was no exception. There's a little wiggle room at the root fuselage join, but nothing to complain about.
I added the lower wing, complete with all the stuff that goes on, starting at the leading edge and working to the tips.
I then started to gently wick the glue onto the trailing edge. This edge is so thin, my concern was the glue would mare the trailing edge, so I went slow and easy. No marring.
This was going so fast, that I realized I had to mask the canopy, thinking "Well this will slow things down...", two hours! I'm still grinning on that! I put the front and rear canopies on with some Crystal Clear and it looked great!
Of course, something going this smooth will have a bump.
While sanding the leading edges of the wing, my thumb decided to crash the party and put just a little too pressure on the rear windshield. It cracked. Still taped, I think it'll be fine with some Crystal Clear and little green paint on a raised detail I missed on the inside.
All in all, this kit is definitely holding up to one of the first of the "Shake and bake" kits. Total time from finishing the cockpit to here is three days, at best an hour a day? Most likely less, though I am letting the glue cure a bit! Ha!
Till next time enjoy!