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P51 campaign proposal for 2010
England - North, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, November 29, 2010 - 10:28 AM UTC
Can anyone pass on tips for a foolproof guide to uploading pics on to this forum, I must be getting old 'cos I sure cant despite reading the distructions! Computers wern't around when I was a kid, just Airfix 1/24 scale Spitfires lol.

By the way, what a superb model the 'Hunhunter' looks, still one of my favourite P51-b's.


England - North, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, November 29, 2010 - 10:31 AM UTC
See what I mean, there was only supposed to be one clueless numpty up there not 4!

Florida, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 29, 2010 - 02:03 PM UTC
I use Photobucket just copy and paste the img code on the bottom of picture and wahla
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Posted: Monday, November 29, 2010 - 06:26 PM UTC
Nigel, Jasper, Nick and Ayhan, nice to see your progress guys. Its realy inspirational. Have done a few things myself this weekend. The colour is TM Olive drab mixed with TM redbrown in 3/1. On the pictures it looks more green, in reality it is more brownish.

Attica, Greece / Ελλάδα
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Posted: Monday, November 29, 2010 - 06:36 PM UTC
Good morning Mr. Naseby

That's a real maserpiece, absolutely stuuning!!! I really like the postshading

I decided only to fade a liitle bit the above surfaces because fortunately the preshading was showned up in the down surfaces as you see

Cheers Nick
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Posted: Monday, November 29, 2010 - 06:55 PM UTC
Thanks for the comment Nick. Actualy I dindt do preshading but postshading, in the first picture is it without it, only plain colour. I did the postshading with the same colou for all surfaces, only for the upper surfaces the colour is less thinned. The pictures realy are not good, in reality, it looks different. The contrast will be reduced in the end with two layers of Gunze matt coat. At least thats the theory
Attica, Greece / Ελλάδα
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Posted: Monday, November 29, 2010 - 08:34 PM UTC
I know that you did post-shading, I just said what I did in my Mustang

Cheers Nick
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Posted: Monday, November 29, 2010 - 09:50 PM UTC
Oh, sorry. I m an idiot. You are right, sometimes it is realy hard to keep the shading on the surfaces in harmony. That is why I like your shading on the 1/32 P-39.
Attica, Greece / Ελλάδα
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Posted: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 - 03:14 AM UTC
Hi Mr. Naseby, I'm glad you like my P-39

I have finished placing the decals (there are some things to correct yet ) but in the photos below , I'll show you how I place the decals & some already placed. In the photos there are not completely dried, that's why you can see the film

Cheers Nick
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 - 04:49 AM UTC
I've finally sorted something out for this campaign. I have over a dozen P51's in my stash by several manufacturers covering P51-Bs/Cs and Ds.

I've chosen Academy's P51-C and will attempt it in NMF of a Chinese based USAAF machine. I've got Eduard's Zoom etch and mask, plus True Details weighted wheels to use as well.

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Posted: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 - 11:09 PM UTC
Nick, you will not believe this, but yesterday I was making the same decals for the same camouflage for the same kit with the same mark setter at about the same time as you. I see you decided on the white propeller for the Shangri la. I did the same. Looks better than all red.
Attica, Greece / Ελλάδα
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Posted: Thursday, December 02, 2010 - 09:21 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Nick, you will not believe this, but yesterday I was making the same decals for the same camouflage for the same kit with the same mark setter at about the same time as you. I see you decided on the white propeller for the Shangri la. I did the same. Looks better than all red.

Thank you very much

Oh yes, the white spinner with red nose it's greater than the plain white of the "OLD CROW"

Cheers Nick
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Posted: Thursday, December 02, 2010 - 07:49 PM UTC
I read on the CS Finescale modeler forum that the story behind this white/ red proppeler is quite interesting. Here is what the contributor, named eagle 334 wrote:

"P-51B-7-NA Mustang (43-6913; VF - T): A Markings Chronology"

Here's my time line of Shangri-La's markings, based on the best evidence I can find. All the good, clear, no-mistaking-it photos I've ever seen of Shangri-La show her paintwork and markings in one of three configurations only: (A) Red/White nose with 21-kills; (B) Full-red nose with 21-kills; and finally, (C) The photos taken just before, and then after the April 13th mission as 6913 sat in the Tetlow field, and later next to one of the Heavy Maintenance Service Squadron's "blister" hangars. The latter (C) photos all show a full-red nose with 30 crosses (final score).

Mar 15............. 4th FG receives red noses. The red was painted right over the white ETO recognition nose paint in a hurry with little preparation of the surface prior to application of the red. The very first batch of red paint was purchased from local civilian stores and was a lacquer type with a relatively low pigment content, rather than an enamel; that is, it had almost a nail polish transparent quality - and took 3 or 4 coats to cover well. Very thin and watery as one hangar technician stated. Shortly thereafter, on one of the first flights (March 17?) with the new red noses, some of the Mustangs flew through "rough weather". A sleet storm was encountered by some of the P-51s, and the ice just peeled that cheap red paint right off their spinners. That was why Shangri-La's spinner sported that very ragged edge to the spinners red/white demarcation line. The rear half of the spinner was touched up with red paint, but evidence of the chipping remained just forward of the spinner break (see photo at the bottom of this page). Within a short time, Don had the white forward half of the spinner touched up so that there was a nice hard edge between the red and white parts at the spinner break, making his kite look better and also facilitating better aerial recognition between Don and Johnny in combat. The red/white cowl checkerboard and the red wheels would have been painted on at this time. The nose colors were new at this time in 8AF, and Don wasn't "called" on this unique red/white nose coloration - until later.

Mar 16-18.........VF-T flown with red, then red/wht nose, and 13 crosses on the scroll.

Mar 18..............Kill #14 scored, applied to VF-T several days afterward. 6913 "downed" for maintenance after Don was hit today in the engine.

Mar 20 - 29.........VF-N (43-6572) flown by Gentile in place of VF-T; "N" was parked close to VF-T in photos, so that makes sense. His score goes up to 21 during this time. All white ETO theatre recognition tail bands painted out circa March 23 - in the hangar while maintenance and repair was going on.

Mar 30..............Don "slow times" VF-T after maintenance. Since this is the day after 19, 20, and 21 were scored, I would say that still only 18 crosses would be on the scroll today.

Mar 31..............Another slow time flight for the engine. Right before or right after the test flight, the March 29 kills (19, 20, and 21) were applied to the scoreboard after confirmation came through. Still showing the red/white nose. After the flight VF-T was sent back to 336's hangar for Don's write-ups - still some bugs in the engine.

Apr 1-3.............Gentile was flying VF-N 6572 April 1 when he got no. 22. VF-T was in the 336 hangar these three days to take care of Don's "write ups" from the March 30 and 31 test flights. During this stay in the hangar, VF-T's nose was given her second application of a "full red" nose.

Apr 4-13 ..........Another maintenance test flight for VF-T on April 4. Famous series of photos of Don buzzing up the North runway taken today, which are often misidentified as shots taken right before her crash on April 13. One only has to look at the scroll to see there's no way the "buzz" pictures were taken on April 13th. As of the 4th, 6913 is still showing 21 kills, but now displays its new full red nose. On April 5, Gentile flew VF-N again, so it appears 6913 wasn't yet cleared for combat missions. Don claimed 5 more victories on April 5, bringing him up to 27 total. As of the April 5th mission I think they had just received official confirmation of kill no. 22, possibly on April 4, but they haven't put it on 6913 yet. After the April 5 mission they now have 5 more kills to add to the scroll - after official confirmation for those comes through. Instead of just putting on kill no. 22 first, it was decided to enlarge the victory scroll to a full banner of two rows - to accommodate no. 22 and (shortly) 23-27. I have photos of a painter (Sgt. Fred Rice?) adding white paint to the banner to enlarge it to the full two rows. There are 21 kills showing on the scroll in these photos, so we know no. 22 wasn't put on before the scroll was expanded. The April 13 (crash) photos clearly show a lighter area where new white paint was used to enlarge the scroll. I think that they went ahead and painted on nos. 22-27 the evening of April 7 - - in time for her next scheduled mission the following day. Also, during this time period VF-T's full red spinner peeled [2nd time] probably due to weather, then repainted full red [3rd time]. A photo in the Wolfert book shows Don and Johnny walking away from VF-T with a peeled full red spinner - but not as bad as after the March 17 flight. The Apr 13 crash photos show a beautiful "full red" nose with no peeling.

As for the rest of 6913's markings chronology: We know the nose was repainted overall red during the April 1-3 hangar period (to match the rest of the groups noses) with only 21 kills showing on the scoreboard, i.e., before the scroll was expanded to a full two row banner. Don scored his last 3 kills on April 8, and those last 3 were added to the scroll before the April 13 (crash) mission, for a total of 30 crosses displayed on 6913 at the time of the crash. On my site, on the "Raphael Collection" photo pages, I show the only known photo of Shangri-La before the crash, with 30 crosses displayed. This photo was obviously taken between April 9th and 13th - maybe on the morning of April 13th before the mission, but there's no way to know for certain. Notice the "mismatched" engine panel Olive Drab/Neutral Gray paint demarcation line in this photo, which was obviously the result of using a "replacement" panel.
New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, December 04, 2010 - 10:09 AM UTC
Nice work guys, what a great campaign! Might have to do another?????
Washington, United States
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Posted: Saturday, December 04, 2010 - 02:56 PM UTC
Moving forward slowly.. got a camera so I can share the little progress I've made.

some of the fits have been challenging, so I'm moving kinda slow.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Saturday, December 04, 2010 - 04:35 PM UTC
Well Mark, that old kit is looking pretty good and much further than my Revell 51B.

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, December 05, 2010 - 02:30 PM UTC
Continueing at a snails pace, I was able to get a bit done today. With the help of Eduard, I was able to mask clear parts:

I cut the closed canopy with my trusty RB Productions razor saw. Right or wrong, I planned to use the center section to mask the cockpit. This closed version was spare anyways.

The canopy (open version) panels were masked on both sides, so I could paint inside and out.

Then as a first paint, I brushed on US Interior Green to the canopy areas.

Before I bed down tonight, I'm going to apply the primer to the whole deal.

Ever notice how the masking (my favorite ) never seems to end.

Guy . And Merry Christmas.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 05, 2010 - 02:47 PM UTC
Guy, your masking efforts will not go unrewarded. Good looking build so far and where did you get that great looking RAZOR SAW I like it very much.

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, December 05, 2010 - 03:03 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Guy, your masking efforts will not go unrewarded. Good looking build so far and where did you get that great looking RAZOR SAW I like it very much.


Thankyou very much, Bob. The razor saw came from RB Productions. Here is a link. Click into the shop; Radub has a few different and fancy razor saws.

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, December 06, 2010 - 02:23 AM UTC
Good Morning

I was able to apply the primer before hitting the hay last night. It turned out OK, me thinks. Well enough that I would be unafraid to apply a NMF.

However, I'm going to do this Aussie scheme. Its really quite a complicated scheme when you think about it.

Usually, I begin such a camo pattern with painting the Medium Sea Grey undersides first. This time I'm going to try putting down the upper side camo pattern first, and then mask for the underside. The white wing ID stripes and yellow leading edges will be applied after main paint.

This is all experimental. Guy
Washington, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 06, 2010 - 03:19 AM UTC

Is the "Southern Cross" a decal or will it be hand painted?

Good thing you've got the color key, that white ID stripe looks more like sage green to me.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 06, 2010 - 06:24 AM UTC
Guy, the base coat looks great.

South Australia, Australia
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Posted: Monday, December 06, 2010 - 07:30 AM UTC

Quoted Text


Is the "Southern Cross" a decal or will it be hand painted?

Good thing you've got the color key, that white ID stripe looks more like sage green to me.

The actual colour is good ole duck-egg blue as Airfix always called it. It is not white...
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 - 01:55 PM UTC
Nice to see you making progress Guy , interesting colour scheme as well .

I got some more progress done on my bird . Had my first taste of Academy decals and will be my last using them .

Texas, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 - 02:05 PM UTC
Terri, the bird looks good and for the Academy decals I never have used any. The subject was never the one that I wished to use. So I will throw any that I have away, especailly after reading so many here swear under their breath re: them.
