Early Aviation
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Discuss World War I and the early years of aviation thru 1934.
Hosted by Jim Starkweather
1/32 Roden GB 2008 Albatros D.III


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Posted: Saturday, May 10, 2008 - 03:57 PM UTC
It is a theory I can live with. Though the paint was probably damage and not the aircraft itself? Just postulating. the edge of the fuselage was intact and a bullet hole would show up too dark to tell?
Removed by original poster on 06/14/08 - 02:35:18 (GMT).


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Posted: Friday, June 13, 2008 - 03:44 PM UTC
OK, Here is an update. I have completed the major construction steps.Step 14 skipped earlier involved gluing together the tail plane surfaces.
Step17 was gluing the ailerons to the upper wing, again no problems encountered. As stated earlier step 18 was joining the fuselage and trapping the interior pieces. Not much to watch for here other than making sure your formers stay in alignment. The lower wing is attached in this step and as others who have built this kit, some filling and sanding was involved in this process.Step 19 is an info view, a unique feature I have not seen on other kits. (at least not as a separate step)Step 20 involves attaching the MGs and ammo chutes, tailplanes and elevator, and cockpit coaming/engine panels. As I am leaving the engine covers off I separated the coaming at the appropriate panel.
For the Machine Guns I utilized the Eduard PE cooling jackets with the kit supplied parts, and Eduard details. No major problems encountered. As others have found the fit of the ammo chutes are troublesome. Like Brad before me I ended up leaving off the left chute, part #24A. This is really not seen once construction is done. Because of my building technique I skipped ahead to Step 22 and attached the landing gear minus the wheels. By the way I utilized the Eduard PE for access panels beneath the fuselage, as well as the gear support strap. I also drilled all remaining rigging holes utilizing a #77 drill bit.
Finally the red paint present is so I have less masking to do as I move further into the painting stage.
PS: I have replaced the original images with newer (hopefully better) images.


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Posted: Friday, June 13, 2008 - 04:23 PM UTC
By the way, I have progressed from this point. I have painted an initial scheme on the wings and am ready to tape off the rib tapes. I will try to take time to do better quality photos using lighting and tripod soon.


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Posted: Saturday, June 14, 2008 - 04:50 AM UTC
Quoted Text
By the way, I have progressed from this point. I have painted an initial scheme on the wings and am ready to tape off the rib tapes. I will try to take time to do better quality photos using lighting and tripod soon.
Nice work there RAGIII, This DIII turns up some memories

Larsa Q


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Posted: Saturday, June 14, 2008 - 03:08 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Quoted TextBy the way, I have progressed from this point. I have painted an initial scheme on the wings and am ready to tape off the rib tapes. I will try to take time to do better quality photos using lighting and tripod soon.
Nice work there RAGIII, This DIII turns up some memories. Your´s looking find, some better pics next time yep. one tip there take the pics before the beer
Larsa Q
Thanks Larsa! Did I accidentally have my computer on web cam for you to see the empty bottles?



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Posted: Monday, June 16, 2008 - 04:08 AM UTC
Camera will be my next step,planing to buy a better digicamera with larger memorycard, so I can record and put it up on Youtube, then it´s just to link. Brett ´Green does is, so why can´t we show how it´s done in real motion video?
How to rigg
How to woodgrain
Applying Lozenge
the list can bee so long
Brad C.;s Albatros is out there on the tube somewhere
Larsa Q
How to rigg
How to woodgrain
Applying Lozenge
the list can bee so long
Brad C.;s Albatros is out there on the tube somewhere
Larsa Q


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Posted: Monday, June 16, 2008 - 04:12 AM UTC


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Posted: Monday, June 16, 2008 - 11:59 AM UTC
Here is my latest update.
I have painted the basic colors on the wings in a darker version. This is taped off with thin strips of Tamiya maskng tape. The base colors have been chosen because they are slightly darker than the Misterkit paints I intend to use for the final camo. Looking at photos the rib tapes appear as darker lines. Although I appreciate Brad and Larsas artistic flair with the utilization of lighter shades to show structure, I felt I needed to be different!
Paints used were :
Tamiya ,Polyscale, and Testors acrylics.


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Posted: Monday, June 16, 2008 - 12:21 PM UTC
Hi RagIII , looking really good so far , I like the shade of red ! Your engine looks fantastic . Can't wait to see the wood grain on the fuseluge .


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Posted: Monday, June 16, 2008 - 01:26 PM UTC
Thanks Terri! You have inadvertantly opened a question I have been pondering. The fuselage will be "Overpainted "in Red. My original thought was to paint the fuselage Teastors acrylic wood, then overspray in varying covering quality with my Richthofen red. My latest thought is to go ahead and wood grain the fuselage and then overpaint. Label them plan A. and Plan B. Vote here and now! Is plan B necessary? Thanks,


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Posted: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 - 03:01 AM UTC
I say plan B
Larsa Q

Larsa Q


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Posted: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 - 03:11 AM UTC
Yes plan B . Thats my vote .


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Posted: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 - 01:24 PM UTC
In this scale. . . wood grain would provide more interest.


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Posted: Thursday, June 19, 2008 - 11:21 AM UTC
I guess I will go with at least one panel on each side,just to show you all I can do it
After a lot of consideration and looking at the pictures of the real bird I don't see alot of opportunity for wood grain showing through. By the way I did replace the earlier photos on page 1 of this thread with ones taken at the same time as page 2. I figured the out of focus stuff just didn't cut the mustard.

After a lot of consideration and looking at the pictures of the real bird I don't see alot of opportunity for wood grain showing through. By the way I did replace the earlier photos on page 1 of this thread with ones taken at the same time as page 2. I figured the out of focus stuff just didn't cut the mustard.


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Posted: Sunday, June 29, 2008 - 08:13 AM UTC
A small progress report to be followed by pictures tomorrow. The wing rib colors after painting the Misterkit acrylics were too dark. Note to myself, never use colors you think are close, use lighter or darker versions of the SAME paint. That being said, I oversprayed the rib tapes with Misterkit and found that the undercoating effect, combined with the edges created by masking, gave me a pretty subtle rib tape . I have considered washes to accentuate the tapes but in the end I don't want them TOO pronounced. In this scale the eye picks up the subtle differences without the shading necessary in smaller scales. AT least in MHO! I also feel it is time to expand on my painting plan. Some smaller parts,ie the wheel covers will be or have been hand painted. I will airbrush the major components of the fuselage. I plan to use several shades of red. This should in the end give a fair representation of red paint hand brushed at varying viscosities over the wood finish. Or so I hope :-)


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Posted: Sunday, June 29, 2008 - 10:04 AM UTC
Subtle is always better.

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Posted: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 - 12:05 PM UTC
Subtle? I have never really heard that used with a MvR scheme.


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Posted: Monday, July 07, 2008 - 01:22 PM UTC
As promissed earlier I will post pictures of the progress. Just a word of warning: Those who wanted to see a work of art on the woodgrain will be somewhat dissappointed! I sprayed the base coat of Polyscale CDL and began using the raw sienna wash for the wood grain. About 10 minutes into the process the alarm bells began to ring: you are going to OVERPAINT THIS WITH RED!!!! I then went into a random streaking ,give it a very general wood look ,if anything ends up showing up under the red mode! I have always been an "If it ain't broke don't fix it" kind of modeler and I just couldn't justify the effort of doing a detailed grain and then panting it out. A little surprise is the old Cameo MvR figure in 54mm. I was inspired enough to pick up this figure and begin to paint it using artists oils. NOT finished by any means and the face is only underpainted with acrylics as a base coat. The oils on the pants, tunic, and coat are still glossy. These will be toned down in the final version of the figure. By the way as I began the painting of this figure, I realized I had not touched a brush to a figure in 10 years, how time flies!


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Posted: Monday, July 07, 2008 - 02:36 PM UTC
Quoted Text
". . . A little surprise is the old Cameo MvR figure in 54mm. I was inspired enough to pick up this figure and begin to paint it using artists oils. NOT finished by any means and the face is only underpainted with acrylics as a base coat. The oils on the pants, tunic, and coat are still glossy. These will be toned down in the final version of the figure. By the way as I began the painting of this figure, I realized I had not touched a brush to a figure in 10 years, how time flies!
Rick the Albie is looking great! And the figure of MvR from the old Cameo line, WOW! I had that jewel myself so many years ago. Brings a smile to my face. Model On!


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Posted: Monday, July 07, 2008 - 04:08 PM UTC
Rag , the albatros is looking really great . Would a few coats of clear red work ? not sure myself if this method will work , it's just a thought .


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Posted: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 - 08:52 AM UTC
I think the wood looks great. I am sure the red overcoat will also look pretty good.


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Posted: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 - 01:20 PM UTC
Thanks for the comments Stephen! The Cameo figure is, IMHO, the best of their WW1 releases. Guynemer looed like he was on steroids, and Captain Eddy looked like a caricature, please excuse any spelling errors
I have come full circle with figures as this was the very first figure I EVER painted.Somewhere buried in a box I still have the original ,sans legs and the Geschwader stock. Speaking of the walking stick, I lost the one for this figure a long time ago.I cut off the metal hand and drilled out the jacket sleeve. I replaced the hand with one from an Airfix 1/32nd multi pose plastic figure. Maybe someday I will sculpt/carve a replacement stick, but not right now.
Quoted Text
". . . A little surprise is the old Cameo MvR figure in 54mm. I was inspired enough to pick up this figure and begin to paint it using artists oils. NOT finished by any means and the face is only underpainted with acrylics as a base coat. The oils on the pants, tunic, and coat are still glossy. These will be toned down in the final version of the figure. By the way as I began the painting of this figure, I realized I had not touched a brush to a figure in 10 years, how time flies!
Rick the Albie is looking great! And the figure of MvR from the old Cameo line, WOW! I had that jewel myself so many years ago. Brings a smile to my face. Model On!
Thanks for the comments Stephen! The Cameo figure is, IMHO, the best of their WW1 releases. Guynemer looed like he was on steroids, and Captain Eddy looked like a caricature, please excuse any spelling errors



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Posted: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 - 01:25 PM UTC
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Rag , the albatros is looking really great . Would a few coats of clear red work ? not sure myself if this method will work , it's just a thought .![]()
I think you are misinterpreting my dilemma. The problem here is that the red on the original is relatively SOLID, leaving very little opportunity for the wood grain to show through. That is why I felt no need to represent the wood grain in any detailed manner.
PS, Thanks for the positive comments and the very good suggestion!


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Posted: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 - 01:56 PM UTC
Quoted Text
I think the wood looks great. I am sure the red overcoat will also look pretty good.
Thanks Carl, I think the Red will definantly look better! One thing I can assure, it won't be a monotone!
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