I’m sorry to let you guys wait on this but time flies as they say. Here’s the new seat. Using Milliput (MP) for the soft leatherpaddings is a straight affair like this.
I Mixed equal amount filler and harder. To keep the MP to not stick to your fingers use Talkumpowder/Babypowder when mixing, the stickiness goes away at once.
I also mixed in some sanded down dry pastel crayons just to make it easier for the camera and my eyes to see what I'm dealing with. When mixed the pee off Milliput is rolled out on a cardboard using some more talcum to prevent it from stick to the cardboard.
When the thickness off the MP was in my liking ( around 1mm) I used an razorblade to cut it up into useful bits.
Now I wanted the stickiness to come back so I gentle brushed some water on one side, this wet side acct as the gluingside against the plastic seat. Access Milliput is cut away and the with a dry brush the MP is folded over the edge off the seat.
There´s always some leftovers when dealing with MP. Just kneed it back to a pee and put in a jar. This jar will be put into the freezer in the kitchen labelled Milliput, so nobody else will take it for something else. Next time you will need some MP, you just take one off this leftover MP, s and kneed them warm and soft and you can use them again.
The seat will be set to dry under the worklamp for an hour or two, then the last access will be sanded off and prep for paints.
I don´t know if you guys using Milliput or not but this “how too” is a free one sodas and popcorn is extra