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1:32 Roden GB 2008 Albatros D.I
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 15, 2008 - 07:19 AM UTC
Thanks for showing "problem areas". That will help in the future.

North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Friday, September 19, 2008 - 12:09 PM UTC

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Thanks for showing "problem areas". That will help in the future.


It is good to be aware of "potential" problem areas! Just a note here, I am working on a review of this kit for an Internet Magazine. I am at about the same place as Larsa in construction. I have found that my assembly is vastly improved over my DIII build regarding the interior and fuselage. My wing to fuselage assembly went well with no hitches. Well, almost no hithces, I did create a misaligned joint on the fuselage by not waiting untill it was dry before attaching to the wing.That being said, I did not have to do any grinding.
Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Friday, October 03, 2008 - 10:30 PM UTC
I don´t think the kits differ that much, so when you report no troubles in the wing joint You´re just a better modeller than me

I will have my eyes open for that magazine
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Monday, October 06, 2008 - 12:20 PM UTC

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I don´t think the kits differ that much, so when you report no troubles in the wing joint You´re just a better modeller than me

I will have my eyes open for that magazine

Not by a longshot! I think the difference lies in your altering some pieces for greater accuracy. I am building virtually straight out of the box. In the end you seem to come up with a superior build every time! I am continually inspired by your work.
Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 05:29 AM UTC
the lovley thing is that everyone inspire everyone.

The progress then.
The lower wing is glued in place and the pedal is positioned in. On this on I just forgot to add the cables to the rudder. You can see there was a little sanding on the top edge off the fuselage. When this happens there is no way to rescue the panel lines without the Olfa cutter, so new lines was rescribed with some old Dymotape as a helping hand.

The tank and ammo boxes are carefully lined up and dry fitted to get in line for the guns. I know I had problems with adding the guns after painting with the DIII kits, so this time I was dryfitting everything to line things up properly.

So from here there is tiny amount off filler that needs to be sanded, after all sanding the first coat off primer will go on. For the moment I am going thru all off my references, checking the lower anchor points for the wires in the fuselage. On the DIII kits they are sitting just too high over the lower wing. What I’ve found this is the fact on this D1 to.

Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 10:24 AM UTC
Great looking build there Larsa.

That Cockpit sure does look busy.


Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 - 07:15 PM UTC
Thanks Hugh
The cockpit is always nice in these Albatrosses, I was planning to add some gloves on the seat. Had this in mind several times but never remembered to fix some out off putty. Yesterday I had the first coat off basecolour on the fuselage and lower wing. Hopefully it´s dry enough tonight so I can get on with the install off the guns. More pics coming soon.
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 03:43 PM UTC

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Thanks Hugh
The cockpit is always nice in these Albatrosses, I was planning to add some gloves on the seat. Had this in mind several times but never remembered to fix some out off putty. Yesterday I had the first coat off basecolour on the fuselage and lower wing. Hopefully it´s dry enough tonight so I can get on with the install off the guns. More pics coming soon.

Larsa, Looking forward to the photos! Very nice so far!!
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 04:25 PM UTC
Lars , the cockpit is really cool . To bad it has to be coverd up with the top decking and hide all the detail work .


I think Steve needs more empty beer cans !
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 11:55 PM UTC

Don't go sending me the empties............now FULL ones?????????? I might accept those.

Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Monday, October 13, 2008 - 03:49 AM UTC

Next shipping will be unopened cans

Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 02:47 AM UTC
Time to show some progress.
The whole fuselage have been sanded down for the second time. Primer then sand. more filler and sand, then more primer, you know the drill my friends. So now we can start up the basecolours for the final coats off paints.
A lastminute off adding an map to the cockpit.

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 03:08 AM UTC
Looking great Lars ! was there fit issues that you had to do so much putting and sanding ?
What paint scheme are you going with ? questions , questions and more questions !
Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 03:50 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Looking great Lars ! was there fit issues that you had to do so much putting and sanding ?
What paint scheme are you going with ? questions , questions and more questions !

Hi Terri
No big fit issus just fixing things up a bit. The paint, living in Humbrolsland I´ll use the humbrols for the wings and the "slate grey" areas.
For the wood I´ll use asusual oils like yellow ochre and brunt Umbre over a base off Humbrol gloss Brown. For the last stages I´ll going to use varnish with a liottle touch off Humbrol Red wine crimson, just to get that "reddish" touch.

North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 05:06 AM UTC
It's a shame nobody is going to be able to see the engine. Even opening the top cowling doesn't show enough. How in the heck did they SERVICE the thing? Only those couple of round access doors to reach in. That area must have been really filthy and oily. If it lasted that long.

What is the "putty" on the end of the exhaust pipe Larsa?

I've got the Eduards PE set for my Abbie also. Wish there was more, but then dont need the framework. Liked to have seen more for the gun feed chutes.

I'm watching closely here.................

Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 07:16 AM UTC
The putty around the pipe is just some Milliput my favorite stuff.

North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 08:25 AM UTC
i figured it was milliput....but what for?

North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - 12:02 PM UTC
Looking very good! The engine cover appears to fit better than the Albatros DIII cover as I found that my D1 did? Glad to see you filled in around the cockpit but left the forward area with a gap. It seems to me that the real bird was exactly as you have assembled the kit.
Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 05:15 AM UTC
Sorry Steve
Just lost those why´s and but´s.
When I was drilling out the end off the pipe the bit just went straight through, So I´ll had to do some repairs. In my eyes the end off the exhaust looked just a little bit thin so when the Milliput was soft I corrected that to. Sorry Steve.

The top cover has a better fit than the DIII, It was my own fault sanding down just to much around the cockpit, little repair with some plasticard and Milliput.

North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Thursday, October 30, 2008 - 06:53 AM UTC

No sorry about it......I just wanted to know what NEW thinggie you had going there. If i was going to have to add something also to mine, like some kind of aspestos covering.

And i hear ya about having to do repairs. That's my middle name.

Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Monday, November 03, 2008 - 06:23 AM UTC
Progress, progress
This is what’s happened sins last time. The fuselage had the first coats of basecolour, and yes there was still some minor thing aft the cockpit to fill and sand. The wings have almost got all those tiny strips masked up for the preshading. Yep it’s just that boring it’s look like, but it´s effective.

The enginecovers will get a coat off silver, so the paintchipping can get a sweet look.
So from here there is just to give the fuselage that last bit off sanding and a brand coat off paint then I can bring out that old cans off woodgrainingcolours I’ve got last Christmas

Larsa Q
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, November 03, 2008 - 08:51 AM UTC
I can't wait to see your wood grain effect , It is simply outstanding !
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 03, 2008 - 09:03 AM UTC
Boring???? No....looks kinda interesting to me. I'm watching............

North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 12:49 PM UTC
Looking forward to the wood grain! I am planning to do this one myself on my build. Will be taking notes!
Indiana, United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 08, 2008 - 01:39 PM UTC
Looking great, as always.

Just a note. The leading edge of the wings are solid. That is, they are a solid plywood. The way you have them taped looks a little, uhh, off.