Feels like I have Lozenge and ribtapes coming out of my ears. It's been a bit of a struggle – but the wings are finally covered. I do like Lozenge once it's in place – but getting it on is a bit of a struggle for me (I'd rather do a french 5 colour camouflage job any day).
Overall though – I think its gone OK considering they are homeprinted.
The W&N varnish stayed flexible for about a week, then it hardened and started fracturing when I cut the sheets. I was almost done by then, so it never became an issue. But (like I think Stephen mentioned in his Lozenge thread) you need to work fast while the sheets are still flexible enough. I don't think you can make decals like this and put them in a drawer to use at a later date.
Here's the top of the wings. There are stills ome touchups to do, before I seal them in the same W&N flat varnish I used for the sheets.

So what does the learned panel of Aeroscale think? Does it look accurate for Helmut Diltehys DVa?
The radiator is only dryfitted at the moment. I will do some blending, and texturing once the wings have dried thoroghly. Then ofcourse I will have to mask and paint Diltheys green grounded crosses – that'll be fun

I've also been busy painting details for the engine and cockpit – but I'm still waiting for the oils to dry – its been over a week now (weather has been pretty cold and wet for the season though, this might explain it)

If you think you're seeing double, its only because I painting up my DV interior at the same time.
Well there it is – making some progress i think, itching to start puttinging the cockpit together.
Thank You for looking – any and all comments are most welcome.
Best Regards