Hi all,
I had a very nervewrecking experience last night, trying to attach the upperwing...
Perhaps I should have done a more thorough dryfit before, but relying on WNWs engineering, I thought it would be plainsailing (the kit so far really has been).
But no! Once the cabanes were in place, it was clear that the gap between the wings and interplane struts were, well not only too great, but also warped sideways in some wierd way. I guess it must be from my own doing somehow, perhaps when I attached the lower wings into the fuseage?
Some force and a strut that broke into a million pieces (well almost) I finally managed to wrestle the wing into place, using a spare strut from the DV kit. The struts, however, kept popping out – so I had to do some emergency rigging to keep everything in its place.
Finally I walked away, the winner of this scrap. Whats even better is that all was still in its place this morning when I woke up.
I do have some ugly joints to clean up, but it will not be too noticable once I’ve finished.
Well, this will,
again , teach me to always, no matter how good the kit is, always be careful and dryfit.
Almost finished now, just some small bits left to do, then I need some good daylight to shoot some pictures.
Next update will be pics of the finished model.
Best Regards