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Mal, I must confess that I'm really enjoying following your build. One reason is the many small updates so it's always stay fresh.
Then I apologies for not updating for so long Joel
I have been getting on though and, after getting home after visiting my grand daughter for her first birthday
and the Christmas festivities, I continued to do just a little every day; so the wheels have been sorted, the bombs and bomb racks, are all together apart from the inner sway brace on the central rack (more in a minute), the tail plane is together, as are the fins and a few other bits and pieces have been sorted. I broke off the second retraction jack, on the other undercarriage assembly and fixed it! So it was about time to get some paint on the beast.
I have decided not to try and show a repainted cockpit, I just can't be arsed with the hassle, and it won't be seen very well and certainly won't be appreciated by those that do see it. My apologies to all those that gave valuable input on the cockpit colour question, I do feel that I am letting you all down a bit
but for my own sanity, and a need to get this done, the cockpit will be RLM66, a total repaint
Few that makes me feel better
So having decided that I just need to paint the interior of the cockpit RLM66 and the undercarriage and bays RLM02
Then I found that I didn't have the paint, what! I could have sworn that I did but I ordered all the colours that I need from WEM and they arrived yesterday afternoon. I aim to get paint on the interiors over this week end
I washed some cockpit parts in Iso' then dipped them in Klear, but I wasn't happy with the result so I tried cleaning it off in the Iso' which does work, but it needs lots of effort and I had just made them look bad. So I needed some Amonia, which I picked up yesterday. I will be trying out my "Generic Canpy Masks" on this, and a few other canopies, so wish me luck. The canopies will be closed, which is another reason why I am going the RLM66 route.
OK, a question regarding the central bomb rack; is the rack painted RLM02? The outer cover will be the underside colour, but is the actual bomb rack and sway brace mechanism RLM02 or is it over painted in situ? The inner sway brace can only be fitted after the outer cover is in place and if the iner and outer parts are to be different colours then they will have to be painted separately.
Doug, what is the wing to fuselage joint like? To have good access to the fuselage to paint on the Wespe I plan on painting it and the fuselage separately; something that I have not done before.
I will aim to post pics next week after I have some paint on
I have however been looking at other models that have been partly finished after having had requests for masks for the very same kits; one is the Profimodeller Do217E-5, which I had started when it first came out. As the crosses under the wing go over the pylons there, I have had to fit one to try out the masks for it. This is another reason that I have been delayed with the 110 build. There should be a thread on the 217, I'll see if I can find it and bring it back to life
There's also the He162 and a P-47 to crack on with, oh and a Mistel