So, heading into the last week of the GB, here are some photos of my progress on my Airfix 1/48 hawker Fury Mk.I.
First the cockpit, not much to see when the pilot is installed, which i like to do as often as i can in my models - it adds a sense of scale.
Next, fuselage closed up, tail cleaned up, the engine cowl doesn't fit all that well - a bit of filler and filing required. It never fit right.
Cowl put on - see the gap - I put the top wing on temporarily too - Airfix had the cabane struts all joined and arranged so that top wing assembly would be easy - unfortunately the locating stubs were non-existent and I had trouble actually gluing on the top wing because of it. I set the top wing and tailplanes on just to get a sense of the finished aircraft. Pretty sleek aeroplane.
Next - after priming and putting on coat of brown for the camo, I started masking - (I hate this part)
I glued on the top wing -
Some notes - I liked the way Airfix made an 'assembly' of the cabane struts - it helped to align the top wing for gluing, which is always a difficult part of building a biplane model. Kudos for that. Also, the undercarriage is also an 'assembly' the legs are joined and are slotted into the bottom of the fuselage - the radiator mounts on top of the slot so no filler is needed. Kudos again.