Well folks we are past the 3/4 mark on this Operation, just under 12 weeks to go by my reckoning. Time to update the various builds going on.
I have been snowed under at work so I have not been able to allocate the time I really wanted to on this project, I must apologise for that. My Razorback is still waiting on a wash to highlight the panel lines, then some very light weathering (exhaust, gun ports, oil streaks) probably using Tamiya Weathing Powder sets, then a flat clear coat to seal it all in place.
Torsten's Dual Build of the Tamiya Bubbletop and Razorback is progressing beautifully. The Bubbletop is completed, the Razorback is having decals applied, both builds look great.
I'm afraid that we might have lost
Dave's Build due to some unfortunate communication issues that I have read about on another of his threads. I am trying to contact him to confirm.
I've had no updates on any of the other builds of late, so we can only assume status quo in those cases.
Cheers, D
Edit: BTW there is still plenty of time for more folks to join in if you have a P-47 and a set of 56th FG markings in the stash!