I decided to open a new thread here to show you my latest finished models. I will continue here every now and then, so I don't have to open an new topic each time something comes off .... errr .... leaves my workbench

After I finished my two little Italians https://aeroscale.kitmaker.net/forums/180385&page=1#1514563 just before my holidays in Sweden, I thought it would be time again for some sons of the Rising Sun, as I havn't build any Japanese this year yet. As usual, I prefer to build "Dual Combos", so here we go.
First I have here the Mitsubishi J2M3 Raiden ("Jack") from Hasegawa in 1/48, my standard scale.

It came out in 2009 as a limited edition and is finished as an aircraft of the "Genzan Kokutai". This Air Group was established in November 1940 in Korea and renamend as 252. Kokutai in September 1942. The unit fought right to the end of the war. About 500 Raidens (japanese for "Thunderbolt") of all versions were produced and the aircraft was well liked by its pilots because of its speed and agility, though it had an unreliable engine.

This model is quite easy to build and gives you no hassle. There are only some minor problems with the fitting of the canopy, which comes unfortunatly in one piece.

For IJN Grey and Green I used Tamiya XF 11 and XF 12, Black is Revell 08, for the wheel bays I used Aluminium Revell 99 and the interior is painted in Dark Green Revell 68. Quite usefull is the Eduard mask EX 095 for the canopy.

Sorry for the dust on this model but somehow I didn't succeed in getting it all off. But it looks worse here on the photos than on the original. As you know, macro kills .....

Happy modelling