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Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - 06:49 AM UTC
Quoted Text
"Fellow Fabric Fanatics, I view the last two updates as very encouraging. The reissue of the Eagle Strike lozenge would be greeted with much enthusiasm I believe, even if it is on a limited run basis. I hope that upon the success of this they may be inclined to reissue some more of their out of print WWI catalogue. . . Dwayne"
If Squadron does the Eagle Strike lozenge I just hope they keep the accuracy of the original colours and avoid substitutions because of budget concerns.
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New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - 01:26 PM UTC
As always, you think of ALL the angles. I want to make it clear to those venturing into the the WW I genre with new products that I will do what I can to support it. I have quite a few kits now that can use a good set of markings, especially lozenge. Who would ever have thought that applying rib tapes could be therapeutic?!!!!
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 10, 2007 - 08:12 PM UTC
Progress from the American connection.
Quoted Text
". . .The 5-color patterns (upper and lower) been approved for final printing
without the texture. I should receive the final product in a week or
Awaiting first samples of 4-color upper and lower.
Artwork is complete for 4-color interior.
Artwork is complete for a sheet of rib tapes (pink and blue).
Artwork is complete for a separate sheet of transparent fabric texture.
Do you think there is sufficient demand for 5-color interior?. . ."
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
New York, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 09:33 PM UTC
Have you had any updates from anyone about the future availability of these much anticipated decals? I think your thread on what not to do with lozenge clearly demonstrates the need for some accurate decals. What's available now is only adding extra steps in the construction process. I now have to alter the color of existing sets by the use of washes or "glazing". The later is a method by adding colors to clear finishes and applying them in coats over the decals. It's an effective but time consuming process.
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Posted: Sunday, October 28, 2007 - 05:30 PM UTC
Quoted Text
on 2007-10-29 04:16, Netz-16A wrote:
I've been reading your Lozenge 101 thread, it's very informative. But you have left me hanging without completeing the "Tapes" segment, you started to talk about it, and also mentioned how to fix damaged Lozenge, but the thread got side tracked on the availability and quality of new decals that might be coming out on the market. I'm at that stage of my build so I'm chomping at the bit.
I also just read your review of the Eduard dual Combo kit, the one I'm currently building, I am also building the Jasta 2 a/c, you refer to clear doped tapes,what do these look like, I have just completed applying the "blue" stripes to the center section of the wing (16 of them) if these are incorrect I can remove then, but adding the lozenge tapes will be out of the question as I'm building this kit to compete in the OOTB catagory, and I will not have time to aquire them as the contest is this saturday. Thanks for sharing your knowlage in this catagory. Curt
Greetings Curt,
Thanks for reminding me about the tapes. It did get a bit sidetracked. The short answer is OOB the kit does not give you the right tapes BUT! you can fix that. Continue to apply the blue tapes to the upper surfaces and use them as a guide to go back over and add narrow slivers of similar paint to. As a guid they will help you put the paint down. take four similar colours and ad two or three to one tape then 4 or 5 to the next 3-4 on the next and so on then go back and add a second colour then the third and fourth all like the first. CDL is clear doped linen and is usually a warm cream colour but this was not used often.
Here is a special offer for you! I have extra Eduard lozenge and if you send me your address I could send it to you and maybe you could get it in time? If so do it as soon as you see this. Model On!
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
California, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 11, 2007 - 02:51 PM UTC
Thanks Stephen for the decals.
Here's another "Tape" related question for any Lozenge wing.
Is it easier to use the decals, or paint the trailing edges of the wings??
I just see a big head ache trying to get the decal to conform to all the scallops of the trailing edges.
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Posted: Sunday, November 11, 2007 - 09:45 PM UTC
Solid colour or lozenge trailing edge tapes are easier to do using the side of a brush.

". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
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Posted: Sunday, December 23, 2007 - 10:17 AM UTC
Greetings all;
I have in hand four new sets of lozenge decals that will be available soon for sale. Though I helped consult on these, I have no financial interest in them. In 1/48 scale they are;
Fünffarbiger Flugzeugstoff (5 colour) upper surface MD-48001
Fünffarbiger Flugzeugstoff (5 colour) lower surface MD-48002
Vierfarbiger Flugzeugstoff (4 colour) upper surface MD-48004
Vierfarbiger Flugzeugstoff (4 colour) lower surface MD-48005
In my opinion these are very good efforts. I would like to see one or two colours adjusted in the next run. But over all these are nearer to the originals than anything available at this time. There are plans to do lozenge rib tapes but the manufacturing process demands spot on register so these are not ready yet. When allowed to I will offer up the manufacturer's name and address.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
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Posted: Wednesday, December 26, 2007 - 10:13 PM UTC
More news from the American connection. . .
Sorry I haven't been in touch. Thanks for "taking me up" on the decals.
Yes, it would be grand if you could take photos of the various application methods for lozenge fabric. I am working on the instructions now and hope to have a proof for you to look at soon. With your permission, I'd like to use your photos. Photos of the completed models for the front would also be most welcome. I would of course credit you for the model and photo.
I'm looking at pricing the 1/48 sheets of six strips of lozenge at about $9.50 USD on an 8" X 10" sheet. That is on the high side. But, considering how everything else is going up, I hope it is a price I can hold for a long time.
I have work to do on the website. It still is not ready. When ready, I will be sending samples to others for review. Any other suggestions?
Thank you for your continued support and I hope using the decals will be a pleasurable experience and yield the desired result."
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
New York, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, January 01, 2008 - 06:43 AM UTC
Great news. Do you know if these will only be available on-line or will my local hobby shop be able to pick them up? What about scale, 1/72 as well as 1/48? Eduard will be releasing a weekend edition Fokker D VII sometime this year so the four color should be right on time and with all the Weekend Edition Albatros kits in the stash I will be picking up plenty of the five color as well. Really good news.
Model on, Dwayne
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, January 05, 2008 - 07:35 AM UTC
The first thing I would like to do is congratulate you on the most informative article on lozenge fabric I have had the pleasure of are a scholar.The second thing id like to do is say thank you for posting it. The third thing is a question,and I hope you dont mind it being SLIGHTLY off topic. Your first images of the Fokker D VII airframe model showed a keen eye for weathering of the fabric..can you please share with us that technique? I humbly apologize if Im muddying up the thread compliments to you ,Sir.
K44 Anti Tank gun
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Posted: Saturday, January 05, 2008 - 02:36 PM UTC
Quoted Text
The first thing I would like to do is congratulate you on the most informative article on lozenge fabric I have had the pleasure of are a scholar.The second thing id like to do is say thank you for posting it. The third thing is a question,and I hope you dont mind it being SLIGHTLY off topic. Your first images of the Fokker D VII airframe model showed a keen eye for weathering of the fabric..can you please share with us that technique? I humbly apologize if Im muddying up the thread compliments to you ,Sir.
Been there - done that. The thread is on page 4 at this writing and here is the URL.
Click here for Texturing Lozenge ". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 04:23 PM UTC
The good news is that I will have the images back this next week and you will get your first look at these new decals.
Here is a bit of a quiz for you in the mean time. How many types of 5 colour lozenge were used by the German Luftstreitkrafte 1917 -18? I mentioned this earlier in this thread.
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
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Posted: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 04:49 PM UTC
Well I have the images and have contacted the USA connection. Here is what they said.
". . .Stephen:
Sorry, there is no fabric texture on these. I decided that selling them with the texture printed on them could be discouraging to some potential buyers. I feared some may object to the texture being out of scale, or over done.
On the bright side, MD-4800 will be a sheet of fabric texture. This will be the same texture pattern as on the examples you saw before. It will be printed in a transparent ink (essential clear varnish with a drop of black). This will offer the customers the potential option to add the texture if they so desire. In addition the texture could be used over any other decal or painted surface.
Yes, I intend to do a dark variation. As well as Naval camouflage, interior lozenge, Fokker serials, etc. All will depend on the reception of these initial releases and how profitable this is in the end. I don't expect to get rich, but I want it to be worth my time.
My recent schedule has been crazy as well. . . The site is nothing fancy. Just want it to function correctly. My intended target date to launch the site is February 1. We will see.
Regards . . ."
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
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Posted: Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 02:36 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Stephen, Great news. Do you know if these will only be available on-line or will my local hobby shop be able to pick them up? What about scale, 1/72 as well as 1/48? Eduard will be releasing a weekend edition Fokker D VII sometime this year so the four color should be right on time and with all the Weekend Edition Albatros kits in the stash I will be picking up plenty of the five color as well. Really good news. Model on, Dwayne
Greetings Dwayne, First please let me apologise for this late reply. Things have been a little hectic lately. I needed a couple of days where I dedicated a bit of hobby desk time to applying these decals to some kits. I am finishing the rigging on one tomorrow that has they 5 colour loznge applied. Our mystery manufacutrer will probably do these in several scales at some point. They will be available online. As soon as they will allow it (Feb.1?) I will post some images. Now I i will finish one in the 4 colour lozenge.
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 02:51 PM UTC
I hope this lozenge mystery manufacturer has stocked up on these because when they are finally available there is going to be a deluge of orders. Especially if they are on a limited run basis. I sure hope they dont back order them, or maybe there wont be any back orders. But having said that, what would it matter, we've been waiting so long as it is.
On another note, has anyone heard for sure if the rumor is true that Dr. Merrill burned all his remaining lozenge?
New York, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 19, 2008 - 05:44 PM UTC
Thanks for the update and no apologies are necessary, we're all grateful for the amount of time you put in on this site. Looking forward to your builds and the unveiling of the website where we can purchase these much anticipated decals.
Model on, Dwayne
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 08:01 PM UTC
Quoted Text
". . . has anyone heard for sure if the rumor is true that Dr. Merrill burned all his remaining lozenge?"
I have hear some rumors. But what I do know Is the owner of Hi-Tech is selling Americal/ Gryphon 1/48 (only) decals. More on this as it comes in.
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 10:00 PM UTC
Greetings all;
I have been very busy as of late. But I have managed to included some finished kits that will have the "New Lozenge" on them. As the mystery manufacturer has asked me to hold off until their website is ready I can comment that you will like these not only for their good colouring but for their ease of handling. I plan on adding a couple of Fokker D.VII builds inthe four and fie colour. Since I had them prepped and ready (for the most part I have applied them to two highly modified DML Fokker D.VII kits.
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 04:36 AM UTC
Stephen, Can you say if these will still be on a limited run basis?
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 06:06 AM UTC
Greetings Jeff;
I think that will depend on the initial sales. They want to sell what they have but if there is a market that will bear the demand, it might be a possibility that it goes beyond the cottage side. They seem to have committed at least $1400.00 USD to a second run already. In for a penny in for a Pound Sterling as it were.
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 07:33 AM UTC
If they are as good as you say they are, they should have the market, but it all depends on pricing. I know SPADA will sometime introduce theirs, so that should be some competition, unless you count those of us who make our own. I cant wait to see the pricing. Thanks for your insight!
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Posted: Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 10:38 AM UTC
An added bit of info is that these decals like the Eagle Strike versions are on a clear carrier. That means they can be reversed to similate interior views for cockpits. You don't have to purchase separate sheets of reversed pattern.
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
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Posted: Friday, February 01, 2008 - 02:52 PM UTC
As promised Here is the first application of the new line of lozenge I have been consulting for. This is the light version of the 5 colour day lozenge. (Eagle Strike did the dark version).
As noted in the beginning of this thread Dan San Abbott and others have identified these with the correct CMYK colours of the originals.
The overall texture (a dark brown) wash / streaking was added to help simulate the printed fabric weave of the original types. Images of the applied decals without rib tapes and texture will be shown in the future if permitted.
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
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Posted: Friday, February 01, 2008 - 03:00 PM UTC

This is a highly modified DML kit built to represent a hypoyhetical scheme on a late model Albatros built Fokker D.VII. We know that Ltn. Raesch of Jasta 43 rec'd a late model Schneidemuhl built Fokker D.VII and the scheme is actually unknown. The personal and national markings decals are from the Eagle Strike set. These were on his earlier machine that he inherited from the former commander. Both had been raised on farms and could idenitfy with the manure fork motif.
The figure is the Model Cellar standing WWI German pilot.
This build will go into my end of war diorama.
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.