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Modeling cafe
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 - 08:59 AM UTC
Happy birthday to all those I missed. Work, family, work, flying, work,work. Only here tonight because I'm really sitting in a hotel room in deepest Scotland, well maybe not deepest but it seems a long way driving up the M74. Still an acceptable pint of Bellhaven Bitter stands on the table, a traditional Scottish meal of Kashmiri lamb is being gently digested, a film? Whisky Galore?, The 39 Steps? This Bellhaven is good, anybody else want one?
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 - 11:04 AM UTC
A Pint of bellhaven would do nicely, thank you.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 02:37 AM UTC
I'll pass on that and have myself a Molson Canadian ..................

Tonights movie will be The Lord of the Rings all three parts ! For the menu it can be anything you want .
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 08:53 AM UTC
A suitable menu is given in the description of Bilbo's leaving feast in the Return of the King. Great films but I guess this is an all nighter, looks like Essssspresssssssossss and Red B are needed, preciousssss, aaaargh!! its catching
Jönköping, Sweden
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Posted: Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 09:19 AM UTC
Hey! Do we have the trilogy in the library section? I've only read it in swedish so far. Could be a challenge to read the original in 24 hrs? Waddayasay Andy?

England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 10:43 AM UTC
I'll not be taking that challenge... Read all three in three days before though
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 05:59 PM UTC
Tony, we sure do have the trilogy in the library section . I will not be taking the challenge . It would take me 24 years to read all that ! But , can it be done ?
Jönköping, Sweden
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Posted: Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 07:37 PM UTC
Frankly, my dear Scarlet, I don't know. I heard from a friend, who had a schoolmate, that the schoolmates uncle (you get the feeling where this is going, huh) did all three parts in 24 hrs in the late eighties.

But then again, reading or rereading a book, I never read ALL the words, so I guess I would be cheating any way I did it.

Colorado, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 30, 2009 - 05:23 PM UTC
Ok folkes I am up an running again. Thanks to Zicam! How about a couple of war flicks tonight? "Glory" & "The Patriot" ! Americana Civil and Revolutionary war!

Food fare will be Yankee Doodle pot roast, fresh garden vegtables in a salad, Corn on the cob with lots of real butter. Corn bread and beans and for dessert . . . Apple Brown Betty and Carrot cake.

For drinks there will be a flaming rum punch and Mull Wine. Light on the cloves and heavy on the cinnamon. Beer from the micro-breweries of Connecticutt Grey Goose, Boston Brick Yard and The ever popular Sam Adams Winter blend, Dark Ale and Rocky Mtn Pilsner.

Coffees will be Peaberry's Dark Roast House Blend and Silk. Creams will be Irish Mint Mocha and Cinnamon Vanilla. The Smoking room has a stock of Columbian Zeniths and South Carolina King Pins.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, January 31, 2009 - 02:31 AM UTC
Sounds all good , but for one small detail which was over looked . Where is the cheese cake ?
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Monday, February 02, 2009 - 02:10 AM UTC
Mmmm....I....don't...know! *wipes his mouth*
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Monday, February 02, 2009 - 05:44 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Sounds all good , but for one small detail which was over looked . Where is the cheese cake ?

Well, we did have a nice bit of cheese cake. It was a chocolate variety with oreo cookie crust, whip cream second layer and a thick Chocolate fudge topping. . . But its gone now. Ursula and the all girl ground crew and I had a late night party the previous evening. Celebrating my recovery as it were.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 - 01:43 AM UTC
Well we either have Stephen covering for Jan , or Jan covering for Stephen . No worries though ! I placed a call and more is on the way . More them enough for everyone
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 - 05:56 PM UTC
Another cheesecake...! I guess that it's no need for this one then....or?
This is what I've up to the last few weeks...first time for 20+ years, first time ever with airbrush and mottling....

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2009 - 02:16 AM UTC
So this is what you have been up to of late , building models and eating cheese cake !

Very nice , love the stripes ! still have a few slices of cake , care for another one and a cup of joe ?
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2009 - 07:46 AM UTC
Well, there's always room for a cuppa and a slice of cake, right Terri...? Do join me please....
Solved the mystery of the disappearing cheese cake yet?
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, February 05, 2009 - 09:22 AM UTC
Following the mysterious disappearance of cheese cake I shall be conducting a search for the icebox key tonight, including a strip search in the after fire room, after dropping the yellow dye marker. Yes tonights film HAS to be The Caine Mutiny and I will personally add the book to the library as one of my all-time favourite war books. Bogart playing an excellent part as the unstable Captain Queeg. Second film probably should be Mr Roberts so we can contrast Bogart and Cagney in similar roles
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, February 07, 2009 - 05:21 AM UTC
Well, while ordering and to later wait for some Vallejo Matt and Satin for my '109 and '190 to show up, I've started on my Tamiya Heinkel He 219A-7.....

Anyone up for a pint or three?
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, February 07, 2009 - 09:44 AM UTC
Nice work Jan.

Really pleased to see you back at it.


oh and yes i'm up for a pint or three
England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, February 08, 2009 - 10:20 AM UTC
Very nice Jan, how did you manage that after a pint or three,
i'll join you for that
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, February 08, 2009 - 01:55 PM UTC
Looking very sweet Jan .

i'll join you cans for a few as well

next round is on me !
Jönköping, Sweden
Joined: April 25, 2006
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Posted: Monday, February 09, 2009 - 10:12 PM UTC
Woohoo. I'm packing for moving at the moment and found a forgotten bottle of Chinese Moutai in a drawer. I must have got it with me from Louyang by mistake, flying home in a hurry.

I'll put it in the bar, and if you feel a disinct smell of french cheese, old socks and shrimp boat , you know somebody's cracked it up.

Removed by original poster on 02/12/09 - 03:50:01 (GMT).
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 - 08:01 PM UTC

Thats really good news - hope it all goes well. It'll take a bit of getting used to though, how do you handle the heat??

Got to be steak on the menu tonight, maybe with some chipotle rice and black beans. Stephen, over to you to expand the menu.

Colorado, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 10:26 AM UTC
Wow a barbeque! Alrighty then! Well have Bar-B-Q beef - brisquet. and the sauce will be chipolte smoked. The wild rice will be pan fried with jalepanos. Red beans cooked fresh in black pepper and sage. we have a fine stock of Dos Eches' party beer and for dessert . . .fresh apple, cherry, and strawberry-rhubarb pies. Heavy whipped cream for a topping and homemade ice cream. Andy dragout the salt bag and the ice.

Cowboy coffee also with heavy whipped cream. Gauranteed not to have any grounds in the cup. Tucson Red Eye and San Antonio Calistoga label whiskeys. Finally Mexican Cigars from the plantations of San Miguel. (These are said to be rolled by and on the naked thighs of the local senoritas and are labeled Madres Leiche for some reason?)

For the movies tonight. . .
"Even cowgirls get the blues" , "Duel at Diablo" and "The Man who shot Liberty Valance."