Nick, you're very welcome young man. Thanks for sharing your work with us. Keep us updated with your other builds and be sure to ask questions if you need help. To answer your question, there are no figures with the kit but the kitmaker is planning to release some soon.
Keith, I kinda figured it was me. I'll keep an eye out for it on the SE5a. I think my new motto will be "measure twice cut once, test fit ten times glue once"
Jim and Glenn, here's a rundown of how I do the rigging. I don't use the "through the wing method" on this build. I use "Part of Poland" turnbuckles as attachment points for the rigging. I cut them in half and superglue them into the predrilled holes.

Here you see them sticking out of the holes.....................

i use hypodermic tube I get from "Small Parts" in 1 to 3 ft lengths.................

Use a sharp knife to score the tube by rolling it back and forth under the knife, you don't have to roll very far, just enough to go all the way around the tube...........

Next, I hold the tube in pliers and snap off the part with tweezers..............

I use Dai-Riki fishing line and color it by dragging it between a Sharpie and a piece of paper

Next, you run it through the tube (and the attachment point on the wing).................

Then loop it around and pull it through and clip off the extra..............................

Here are the parts, the turnbuckle would be shorter and attached to the wing of course...........

In this case Glenn, it doesn't matter if you start at the top or bottom.
I hope that helps.
more soon,