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Twin Boom 2010 Official Campaign Thread
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 06:15 PM UTC
Hi Bjorn. Man, there's nothing wrong with a little "mood-lighting" for that sexy SAAB with the loooooong legs !!

Looking good so far.

Cheers, D
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England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 01:20 AM UTC
Hi Damian
Calm yourself my friend!
Can I change my aircraft choice please boss? I noticed there are a few P-38's so is it OK if I change my build to a 1/72 Sea Vixen. Now that is a sexy aircraft.
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 01:33 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Hi Damian
Calm yourself my friend!
Can I change my aircraft choice please boss? I noticed there are a few P-38's so is it OK if I change my build to a 1/72 Sea Vixen. Now that is a sexy aircraft.

Please do, I've been advocating diversity from the start so a sexy J-21/Vixen duo suits me juuuust fine !!

This might be an appropriate time for a Campaign update. Still at 40 enlisted, with 11 or us having completed 13 kits (2 x p-61's from BlackWidow and 2 x O-2A's from yours truly). The make tally is as follows:

P-61 6 finished
O-2A 3 finished
P-38 2 finished
Fw 189 1 finished
OV-10A 1 finished

Underway we have a J-21 and a He-111 Zwilling confirmed. Anybody else started and not posted a progress report yet ??

Superb work everybody, I'm very happy with the way my first Campaign idea has evolved with your support.

Cheers, D
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England - North West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 02:48 AM UTC
Thanks boss.
Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 10:23 AM UTC
I have just signed up, and just started my kit. I hope to be able to be disciplined enought to finally finish a campaign.

My kit of choice:

1/48 P-38H (Hasegawa)

Depending on the visible structural difference between the P-38G and P-38H (I have no idea if they do exist, so help would be appreciated), it will be decalled as P-38G 'Beautiflu lass' as flown by J. O'Neil (Tally Ho decals). Otherwise I will probably go with one of the kit decal options.

First pics will probably be posted this weekend...


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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 10:40 AM UTC
Hi Harm, and welcome aboard. Thanks for joining us here at BOOM BOOM Central.

I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.

Cheers, D
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 01:53 PM UTC
The P-38F was followed in early 1943 by the P-38G, utilizing more powerful Allisons of 1,400 hp (1,040 kW) each and equipped with a better radio. The P-38G was followed in turn by the P-38H, with further uprated Allisons (1,425 hp/1,060 kW each), an improved 20 mm cannon and a bomb capacity of 3,200 lb (1,450 kg). The Eighth Air Force was also experiencing high altitude and cold weather issues which while not unique to the plane, were perhaps more severe as the superchargers upgrading the Allison's were having their own reliability issues making the planes more unpopular with senior officers out of the line[23] This was a situation unduplicated on all other fronts where the commands were clamoring for as many P-38s as they could get.[23] These models were also field-modified into F-4A and F-5A reconnaissance aircraft. An F-5A was modified to an experimental two-seat reconnaissance configuration, with additional cameras in the tail booms. Both the P-38G and P-38H models' performance was restricted by an intercooler system integral to the wing's leading edge; one which had been designed for smaller engines. The new engines could heat up too much and were subject to explosive detonation in the carburetor if operated beyond recommended limits

Build On,
Staff MemberAssociate Editor
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Monday, June 07, 2010 - 03:16 AM UTC
Well I've been so wrapped up in other Campaigns that I've sadly neglected my own !! How are all of the works in progress coming along ??

Going back over the thread, I don't believe that I've posted any pics of my pair of O-2A's since they were finished. How naughty am I ?? I will get some shots once the sun comes out again and post them shortly.

Cheers, D

Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
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Posted: Monday, June 07, 2010 - 09:31 PM UTC
I have made some progress... it will be a rather slow build, probably, as I am trying to think things through before rushing in only to find out I should have thought things through after (my usual mode of operation)...

I have to order the paint though (for the cockpit, before being able to progress there...

Build will be even slower for the next few weeks as I have to work on my thesis to get my degree...

Östergötland, Sweden
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Posted: Saturday, June 26, 2010 - 09:55 AM UTC
Hi all!

Many good-looking builds going on here!

Here´s a up-date on my Bronco build!

The cockpit and all the panels are painted!

Only a black wash to add and the cockpit will be ready for assembling!

I have glued the cockpit in place.
I had to use some force to hold everything in place while the glue set, but the fit was surprisingly good.

The booms assembled and filled..
This kit eats filler!

Pylons and spinners assembled and sanded.

The nose gear fitted very good!

Then I had to use sheer ”force” to get the fuselage halves together, literally speaking!

The fit leaves a lot to desire on this old, old kit!
But if one treats it like a short-run kit, you know what to expect!

Pylons assembled, and all joins filled and sanded.

This must be handled!

I cut a piece of sprue to the desired length, sanded and glued it in place.

A lot better, but it could still have been a few millimetres longer!

The pylons fitted very well to the fuselage, but I had to fill the joins anyway!

A quick swipe with nail-polish remover, as I was afraid to harm the rivets.

I used Some small pieces of plasticard to get a bit more rigid fins.

Finally, I glued the rudders, they will need some filler on top, but it looks OK to me, so far.

More to come!


Stefan E

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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, June 26, 2010 - 12:38 PM UTC
Great work so far on a tricky build Stefan !!

Glad to hear you're making progress Harm, any pics to show us ?

We have just over 2 months to go here folks, who else is still with us ?

Cheers, D
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, June 27, 2010 - 07:04 PM UTC
Still here building my Venom although work is seriously getting in the way. As my first resin kit it is a steep learning curve but I am getting there.

Staff MemberAssociate Editor
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, June 27, 2010 - 07:42 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Still here building my Venom although work is seriously getting in the way. As my first resin kit it is a steep learning curve but I am getting there.


Good job Brian, any progress pics to show us ??
Let me know if you need some extra time at the end.

Cheers, D
England - South East, United Kingdom
Joined: February 19, 2007
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Posted: Monday, June 28, 2010 - 09:31 AM UTC
Hi Damien
No pictures at the moment as camera is away for repair.

The state at play at the moment is fuselage clamped together and wing fences on their 3rd repair they are so this you can see thru them. Should have the wings and booms fitted at the weekend if not sooner as I am working close to home this week.

The level of detail on this kit is amazing. In the hands of a more experienced modeler this kit would look fantastic.

I will be very pleased if I can just stop gluing my self to the parts LOL
South Australia, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 - 07:21 PM UTC
Well I finally finished this one. Please don't ask me to build another .. I will commit myself to the mental hospital before I build another one of these!

It is a Revell (ex Matchbox) 1/32 DH Sea Venom in RAN colours. Apart from having more filler than plastic I finally lost interest with it and am not going to try and dull down the decals. I am yet to find a flat coat that will matt them down so they can stay a little shiny. From 3 paces it looks great and looks fine behind glass.

I was going to try more weathering, after all these A/C were used on the HMAS Melbourne for many years, but apart from trying to add a few extra tones of the camo colours I gave up.

Anyway, here is the item for all its worth..

Good luck everyone and I will now retire to the hobby room to mask up a 1/32 Revell Mosquito canopy for some rehab after the Sea Venom.
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 12:25 AM UTC
Hi Warren. Congrats on getting that across the line. It sounds like a dog of a build ! The end result looks good to me, so thanks so much for joing in and supporting my campaign. You go relax with a more straightforward kit and a cold glass !!

Cheers, D
Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 09:38 AM UTC
wow! Looks good, Warren. It was definitely worth the effort if you ask me, great result.

Thanks for sharing
Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 10:29 AM UTC
Warren, wow! Great work there. DeHavilland made some interesting aircraft, your model is very sharp looking. You say don't ask you to build another, was it that difficult a kit? I build 72 scale, so I probably belong in a mental hospital, thought I would ask though. Love how you guys put Kangaroos on your national insignia! Russell

P.S. Warren I don't really want to mention this but will, are the national insignia on the wings correct? Are the Kangaroos oriented that way? Just curious. The only reason I mention it is I was up one morning and I put my decals on my latest build on wrong and it took me a day to find out. I'm not saying yours are wrong, just asking. Didn't know exactely how to broach the subject, thought I would say something, you can always replace the decals. I had too on my 109G just finished in 72 scale, a little scraping with a toothpick and some application of decal softener did the trick. Hope I'm wrong.
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, July 01, 2010 - 05:19 PM UTC
Fantastic build Warren,
I just love those early jets so much character.
Designed using a pencil not a keyboard.
Östergötland, Sweden
Joined: April 18, 2006
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Posted: Thursday, July 22, 2010 - 10:07 AM UTC
Hi all!

Nice Venom, Warren!

Both booms and the stabilizer have been glued to the wings and fuselage!

It was a very good… neeeh…. Simply a Nigh on perfect fit!

I have glued some of the smaller detail parts as antennas, pylons and such.

Not much done really, but it has been too darn warm here, 30*+!

More to come…


Stefan E
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, July 24, 2010 - 12:11 AM UTC
Very nice work Stefan, your Bronco is coming along really well. It's good to hear that you're not having fit issues as well.

We're nearing the home straight now with just over a month to go. I will go over the thread and my notes and make sure I have the list of contributors for this Campaign under control well before the closing date.

Now, where's the J-21 I was promised . POLARBEAR
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Posted: Saturday, July 24, 2010 - 12:24 AM UTC
Cheers D

just to make sure you notice it: P-38L - 1/48 Hasegawa BLog

all the best

Staff MemberAssociate Editor
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2010 - 05:15 AM UTC
Ok guys, now we're really into the home straight. 1 month to go. Here's a summary of enlisted personnel and build status as I make it . . .

alpha_tango P-38 (1/48 Hasegawa/Eduard plus extras) IN PROGRESS
Attman007 no kit notified yet
AussieReg 2 x Cessna O-2A (1/48 Testors and 1/50 Heller) FINISHED
bf443 no kit notified yet
BlackWidow 2 x 1/48 P-61 (Monogram AND Revell boxings) FINISHED
Blueheeler OV-10A Bronco (1/72 Academy) FINISHED
Bungal DH Venom Mk 1R (1/72 CMR) IN PROGRESS
Camogirl P-38 (1/72 Academy) FINISHED
discordian P-61 (1/48 Monogram) FINISHED
dobon68 no kit notified yet
DutchBird P-38 (1/48 Hasegawa) IN PROGRESS
eMan no kit notified yet
Grenadier37 P-38 (1/72)
guitarlute101 He111 Zwilling (1/48 Monogram/Cutting Edge/Squadron/Eduard) IN PROGRESS
hkopper P-61 (1/72 Dragon) FINISHED
Jmartine P-38 Nightfighter (1/48 Revell)
Keeperofsouls2099 P-38L (1/48 Hasegawa) FINISHED
KrisMax P-61 (1/48 Revell) FINISHED
litespeed Sea Vixen (1/72)
magnusf Fokker G-1 (1/72 MPM)
MikeMx P-38
Pedro P-38J (1/48 Academy)
Phantom2 OV-10A Bronco (1/48 Testors + Paragon + Cutting Edge) IN PROGRESS
PolarBear J21 (1/72 and SO COOL) IN PROGRESS
RotorHead67 no kit notified yet
RudolfFilip no kit notified yet
Ruffus no kit notified yet
SGTJKJ FW 189 (1/72 Airfix) FINISHED
Siderius P-61 (1/72 DML)
Skyhawk P-38J or L
TacFireGuru P-38 or F-82 (or both hehe)
Tigerbait P-38H (1/48 ProModeller)
Tomcat31 P-61 (1/72 Dragon) FINISHED
Torchy Focke-Wulfe TL Flitzer (1/72 Revell)
vanize Vampire Mk 5 (1/48 Classic Airframes)
Victor DH Vampire NF10 (1/48 Classic Airframes)
Voncuda Cessna O-2a (1/48 Testors) FINISHED (and in that scheme you can't miss it !!)
warreni DH Sea Venom FINISHED

I will PM the "IN PROGRESS" builders to make sure they are aware of the time remaining, but I certainly won't be holding ribbons back from any stragglers after the finish date, as we all know how life gets in the way at times.

Cheers, D
Florida, United States
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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2010 - 06:18 AM UTC
Excellent builds all around. This campaign has generated some stunning builds and would like to applaud on the hard work and dedication that was put in on each kit. Bravo Damian on your assistance and direction throughout the campaign as this was one fun campaign!
Louth, Ireland
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Posted: Saturday, July 31, 2010 - 06:43 AM UTC
Hi AussieReg,

Put me down for a work in progress, although progress has been in short supply with my Vampire. This is the first time I've bulit a Classic Airframes kit and it's been an experience. It has certainly allowed me to excercise my full vocabulary of swearing.

But i'm still optimistic that i can complete before the deadline.
