The PE frets are left overs from DML / Dragon, Eduard and a fret of German detais from Tom's Modelworks. Off to the left one of my parts bins contains 2 Part of Poland sets for the 1:48 Fokker D.VII.
Wheels are DML / Dragon, Jager and resin copies of both.
Propellers are from Roden & Eduard kits.
When you begin to mix different manufacturers kits with each other in a diorama they need to look similar. Built strickly out of the box its easy to tell the differences between Roden, Jager, DML / Dragon & Eduard molds. The individual build reviews here at Aeroscale give you most of that information. But its the side by side comparisons that give you the best choices for displays. For instance the DML / Dragon fuselage is too short ih profile height and .040 thou needs to be added from the rear of the lower wing cut out to the rear king post. Also the rudder needs to be enlarged in height by .040 thou and about .030 thou in width. Roden's engine exhaust louvres are not as pronounced as any of the others but dimensionally the fuselage is good. Eduard, Jager louvres are highly pronounced and the fuselages are good.