World War II
Discuss WWII and the era directly before and after the war from 1935-1949.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
IAR 81C- the Icaerodesign 1/48 kit
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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 05:56 PM UTC
Very nicely done Chuck, that engine detailing is awesome, thought provoking, and provocative much like Margo, wow

Have you decided on a scheme? I'm looking forward to the 1/32 scale kit of this aircraft arriving on the shelves and I'm torn between the single green and the green and brown camos?

Congratulations on you anniversary, I mentioned in my "Father of the Bride" speech, at my eldest daughters wedding, "the first 30 years are the worst"

I am definitely thinking good thoughts for your mothers, may they get well soon
Moselle, France
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Posted: Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 05:59 PM UTC
Hi Chuck,

I don't know if Lectonenant Margo will give her stamp of approval but I do. This is some Excellent work on the engine!

I wish you and all the people around you all the best,

Joined: June 14, 2013
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Posted: Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 10:38 PM UTC
Hi Chuck,I learnt something new tonight with how you do the push rods and spark plugs. Enjoying tagging along for the ride with your build. I hope the problems with your family have a happy resolution.Best wishes,Phil.
Bangkok, Thailand / ไทย
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Posted: Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 11:50 PM UTC
Lovely work again Chuck.


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New York, United States
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Posted: Monday, May 12, 2014 - 02:31 AM UTC
So glad to see that you've found some time to get some work done at the bench. Congratulations on 25 years. We've passed the 30+ year mark some years ago. Time does tend to fly. Just keep a positive attitude as those life events play out.

Absolutely so thankful that you decided to detail that radial engine. Your techniques have solved so many issues I've struggled with.

Looking forward to your next update.

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, May 12, 2014 - 12:10 PM UTC
You rock Chuck !

California, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - 03:03 AM UTC
My thanks, all!

Mal, the green-and-brown machines were, I believe, IAR 80 variants. All the 81's are solid green, so the choice is somewhat limited. I've been planning on building "Nina", but seeing as I'm thinking of leaving the bottom cowl off as well as the top I may change my mind. Don't feel abandoned, but I think I'll be decalling this mite- Radu was kind enough to comp me a set of his lovely aftermarket sets.

Jean-Luc, you have my thanks, as do you all, for the kind wishes for our family. We are, like so many other children of the baby boom, in a waiting game. We hope for the best.

Phil, Robert, Joel and Terri- thanks for the kind words- and for following along! There's a lot more to come- as I mentioned above, I can't really see hiding any of the sweet little engine, so the top and bottom cowls will both be off. The firewall hides the accessory assembly, and the forward cowl has a very interesting series of attaching points.

Stay tuned, dear readers!

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - 04:22 AM UTC
No problem Chuck, Radu's stuff is top notch and I'll be producing paint masks for my 1/32 build which can also be done in 1/48 scale, so no sweat and it saves me worrying about getting masks to you so as not to hold you up

Yep, I knew that about the 80/81 colour schemes, 'onest guv,
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - 10:06 PM UTC
Chuk, your scratch building techniques for detailing are inspirational. By using commonly available materials and giving us such clear and detailed tutorials you are (almost) putting such work within reach of us mere mortals.

As always, looking forward to the next update.

Cheers, D
California, United States
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Posted: Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 01:36 PM UTC
Thanks, Damian!

Dumb things happen in the best of families, or so they tell me. Read on!

Croatia Hrvatska
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Posted: Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 09:28 PM UTC

You nailed it again! It's a marvel to watch and admire... Unfortunately, I'm in the process of moving to Croatia, so I am completely off the bench. Hope to be back this autumn... Nevertheless, I pop in from time to time to relive the pain lol

Great work so far!

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New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 10:55 PM UTC
Welcome back Magda!! Oh yeah, you to Chuck

Just another brilliant update, with more solutions then issues. As always I picked up a few tips for my bag of tricks.

Bangkok, Thailand / ไทย
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Posted: Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 11:57 PM UTC
Hi Chuck,

Just a fantastic update. Like Entoni I'm into moving places and off the workbench. Some nice planes will travel with me to Bangkok. Leaving The Netherlands to start working again in Thailand.
Hope to see your next update overthere.
Say hello to the lovely girls.


Robert Jan
Jiangsu, China / 简体
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Posted: Monday, June 23, 2014 - 12:34 AM UTC
Wooooo! Great pin up painting and modification!
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Monday, June 23, 2014 - 06:03 AM UTC
Stellar update, I'll even go get some more modelling done now. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets so into the zone that bad things happen. Like when I built the Mustang and didn't notice that there were two supercharger housings in the Tamiya kit and used the wrong one, only to find months later that my beautifully detailed engine wouldn't fit. Thank god I used superglue and the parts broke apart cleanly. I still have the remnants of the Spitfire charger housing on my model table next to where I keep my primary tools to remind me to think twice.

There's a well known user on 'the other forum' who has a signature declaring 'There is no such thing as an unbuildable kit' Every time I read it I'm reminded of you and builds like these.
California, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 02:35 AM UTC
Thanks, everyone! Entoni and Robert- safe travels, my friends! I hope you find yourselves near good hobby shops.

I had a nice little epiphany about that brass support ring. Before I make a new one I'll trace my latest pattern on to a scrap of acetate and do a positive before I start butchering brass. I'll get it right somehow!
California, United States
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Posted: Sunday, July 06, 2014 - 02:19 PM UTC
A brief, but happy update- enjoy!

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England - South West, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, July 06, 2014 - 06:27 PM UTC
Superb work Chuck and Lili
Bangkok, Thailand / ไทย
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Posted: Sunday, July 06, 2014 - 06:59 PM UTC
Very, very nice work Chuck.


Robert Jan
Uppsala, Sweden
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Posted: Sunday, July 06, 2014 - 07:43 PM UTC
Thank you for brightening my day! Excellent work and presentation! It's all truly inspiring. Maybe I should try and get some build time in!?
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Monday, July 07, 2014 - 12:28 AM UTC
Inspirational as always.
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New York, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 07, 2014 - 01:43 AM UTC
I'm more then envious of your scratch building skills. One part after another ends up being perfect, and fitting like a glove. Those cowl inside supports are amazing when you consider that they need to fit into a beveled cowl.

Can't wait for your next update.

Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Monday, July 07, 2014 - 05:44 AM UTC
Beautiful recovery when most of us would have just scrapped our ambitious plans.
Liege, Belgium
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Posted: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 - 02:32 AM UTC
Hi Chuck.

Your work is really awesome Chuck. I look forward to see the suite.

California, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 10, 2014 - 02:54 AM UTC
Thanks, everyone! "Never give up- never surrender!" At least that's what they say in the movies...

I have been considering making a brass wire frame to simulate the "gearbox case" as seen in the pic reposted here. That way I can keep the front cowl on, not behead the model and still show that glorious resin engine in it's fullest. The sheet metal parts can be easily made from heat-bent styrene and displayed along with the main cowls on the base. It might be fun....