Seeing as how our weather has warmed up a bit my workshop (garage) is more welcoming so I have spent a few hours in there tonight
First job, paint the visible parts of the engine so grey plastic is not obvious to the observer.
Second, begin the cockpit by liberating the instrument panel from the sprue and sanding down the back to a more realistic thickness. Airscale suggest one cuts a piece of plastic card to apply the decal to, not me, I've reversed the clear instrument insert, well, it's the right shape. I've 'primed' it by dipping in Future which provides a god surface for the decal.
Final job was to start on the wings. The sprue gates are very thick so I used a small razor saw to remove the wings, no problem. Next job was to remove the upper wing panels to fit the new doors for the cannons. Airfix have included a deep groove on the inside of the wing which made removal using a sharp knife easy.
This is a so far piccie

I am not a quick builder but I am making progress. The biggest problem so far is the age of the kit, this was originally a Mk1 and can still be built that way as all parts are there including all 8 Brownings. Extra parts are included for the MkV including both types of tropical filter and some bits I can't yet identify. There are also the cannons, YUK! they are some of the worst representations of weapons I have ever seen so I'm glad I'm going to 'button' it all up and use the Master barrels for the visible part.
Hopefully I shall do more this weekend and celebrate another win for Kettering Town, Northampton Saints and Green Bay Packers. Have a good weekend folks