Air Campaigns
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OFFICIAL: Big Beautiful Bombers Campaign
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Thursday, April 15, 2010 - 01:14 AM UTC


Hit the campaign page/button/thingy at the top of the page next to the Aeroscale banner and it brings up the list of camapighns - then hit enlist for the BBB and bingo

As an update on my Wellington - someone deleted the pics on my camera and I am stalled at the moment as it is too humid to airbrush without huge splats of water arriving on it. I have gone and bought a water trap but have to get all the fiddly connecting bits to attach it inline.

Eetu that Heinkel is looking pretty good!!!

Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, April 15, 2010 - 01:00 PM UTC

Quoted Text


Hit the campaign page/button/thingy at the top of the page next to the Aeroscale banner and it brings up the list of camapighns - then hit enlist for the BBB and bingo

I did... And there it was! I must be going blind and stupid!

Thanks Brian. I have no idea what on earth I was doing wrong before but the button just wasn't there!

Btw, enlisted. Mossie bomber on way.
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Friday, April 16, 2010 - 01:56 AM UTC
Thanks for the compliments folks!

Quoted Text

That is brilliant work with the winter camo. How did you achieve it so well? Briiliant mate

I don't feel there's was any real trick to it, I just went over the model with Vallejo off-white, sort of scribbling away to make an uneven pattern, occasionally moving the airbrush closer to the surface of the model to form more prominent mottles. The key thing is that instead of trying to actually airbrush each and every mottle individually, I kind of just haphazardly doodled it on.
I also didn't stop and start airbrushing while pointing the airbrush at the model, instead always starting the air and paint flow outside the model (despite using and double action airbrush), pulling back the trigger and adjusting the spray pattern before moving over the model.

While I'm at it writing this, here's some more progress as well -->

The props pretty much finished and assembled. The instructions only indicated the tips of the spinners to be painted patina green, but photos of the real thing clearly show a dark stripe between the tip and the RLM70 the rest is painted. I settled on black.
Now here's Xtracrylics' RLM70 (spinners) and 71 (prop blades) side by side. There isn't much contrast between the two. From what I've read, that's accurate, but such difference would have been barely visible under the white wash, hence the artistic license.
Btw, how would paint chips look like on these wooden propeller blades? I'm thinking about doing some slight chipping on the spinners, but I have no idea how wooden prop wore down in use.

Landing gear doors painted up:

These required a little bit of trimming on the locator pegs and on the back edges of the outer doors to fit properly in the closed position for the painting of the exhaust stains.

Main landing gear ready to be installed. Putting the wheels in place scraped a bit of the paint off, so touch-ups are in order.

Oil cooler housings and exhausts attached, landing gear wells painted:

The panel lines are accented with Pro Modeller dark dirt wash. I also painted on some paint chips here and there.

Just what would we do without Eduard mask?

The designer of this mask set seemed to have forgotten the opening in the back of the dorsal turret dome (circled in pic). Not a big deal to touch up with a brush though.

Next I'll start worrying about aibrushing the prominent exhaust stains (anyone know good tutorials or articles on the subject or have tips to share?), finish the landing gear and start realizing that I'm getting closer to completion.

Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Sunday, April 18, 2010 - 01:02 AM UTC
Yesterday I airbrushed the exhaust stains:

The landing gear doors in the second pic were temporarily attached in the closed position for the painting.
West Virginia, United States
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Posted: Sunday, April 18, 2010 - 02:59 AM UTC
Really nice touch with the Airbrush. Your He-111 is really coming out nice. I admire your airbrush work, not the easiest skill to master. Keep up the Great work and keep the photos coming, Thanks......................Bruce....
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Monday, April 19, 2010 - 07:34 AM UTC
My entry's finished.

Hope you like it. Thanks for running the campaign, I had a great time.

Florida, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 19, 2010 - 01:17 PM UTC
WOW good job did you use Promodeller on it?

Build On,
Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 19, 2010 - 01:38 PM UTC
Eetu, what a fantastic piece of model work! The white camo is really great! That Heinkel 111 is a great looking bird isn't she! Good job. Russell
Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 19, 2010 - 03:43 PM UTC
Eetu. fantastic looking He111 and I am very impressed with the ehaust. How did you airbrush that effect

New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Monday, April 19, 2010 - 07:48 PM UTC
Brilliant Eetu! Love the end result
Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 - 12:45 AM UTC
WOW!! I can only repeat what has already been said, but it deserves to be said again. Great job on that kit. The finish and paintwork is excellent.

Thanks for sharing
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 - 11:58 PM UTC
Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated.

Quoted Text

WOW good job did you use Promodeller on it?

Yep, that's Promodeller dark dirt wash on the undersides. I was thinking about giving the top surface panel lines a wash too, but decided not to as I feared it might stand out too starkly, the panel lines being a bit more pronounced than usual for Hasegawa. The white winter camo airbrushed on top of the dark green pattern seemed to make the panel lines stand out without a wash.

Quoted Text

Eetu. fantastic looking He111 and I am very impressed with the ehaust. How did you airbrush that effect

Thanks. For the exhaust stains, I used Citadel washes (the newer kind, not the older inks). Most likely originally designed with brush-painting in mind, they go through my airbrush right out of the bottle with no further thinning. However, it seemed that they could work smoother when thinned down a little bit. I'll have to experiment on that...
To get that effect, I airbrushed two colors of washes, first 'devlan mud', then 'babab black' in a tighter pattern inside the first. I hadn't tried airbrushing exhaust stains before, but working slowly and building up effect seemed to work the best.
The transparency of the washes makes it easy to gradually build up the coverage. Instead of being most thinner with a dab of paint - while still being runnier than regular paints of course - these washes seem be more like thin tinted clear acrylics, the pigments don't easily separate from the carrier fluid like with regular washes.
I hope this helps.

Kobenhavn, Denmark
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Posted: Friday, April 23, 2010 - 01:17 AM UTC
Thanks for the trick on the Citadel washes, Eetu. I will test that myself. I have the washes for use on wargaming miniatures.
California, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 26, 2010 - 01:25 AM UTC
Excellent work Eetu. I have been lurking in the shadows following along with everybody when I can. Too many life issues popping up for me to get my build started at the moment. It has been playing havoc with a reivew/build I am doing too Getting nearer to being able to start mine though so I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully it isn't a train coming the other way. Excellent work all of you participating. Thanks for keeping the thread and campaign alive. I'll join up on you soon enough. Thanks, "Q"
Texas, United States
Joined: January 15, 2010
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Posted: Saturday, May 01, 2010 - 08:10 PM UTC
Hey All, Q, if it's OK with you, I'd like to take an incomplete G4M Betty from the "Aluminum Campaign" and finish it for my entry. I was on track to finish (would have been a squeaker) until a friend of mine sent 3 reference books. The AMS kicked in and then life kicked in so...
This being my first aircraft model in 32 years (the last, a Monogram Dauntless, took out the USS Midway, DKM Bismarck, and the USS San Capistrano with a load of lighter fluid during the Third Creek Convoy Battle. You may have read about it...), and knowing myself, if I don't finish it now, it'll still be a box full of parts on the shelf 2 years from now.
Texas, United States
Joined: January 15, 2010
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Posted: Saturday, May 01, 2010 - 08:11 PM UTC
Hey All, Q, if it's OK with you, I'd like to take an incomplete G4M Betty from the "Aluminum Campaign" and finish it for my entry. I was on track to finish (would have been a squeaker) until a friend of mine sent 3 reference books. The AMS kicked in and then life kicked in so...
This being my first aircraft model in 32 years (the last, a Monogram Dauntless, took out the USS Midway, DKM Bismarck, and the USS San Capistrano with a load of lighter fluid during the Third Creek Convoy Battle. You may have read about it...), and knowing myself, if I don't finish it now, it'll still be a box full of parts on the shelf 2 years from now.
Is that do-able?
California, United States
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Posted: Sunday, May 02, 2010 - 01:51 PM UTC
Charlie, you are cleared hot. "Q"
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 12:25 AM UTC
Hi Guys,

Great work happening here.

I'm starting a bit late but here is what I'm going with:

Hope to get Started by the weekend!

California, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 - 02:52 AM UTC
Nice choice Philip. I finally decided on my build. I have one of Monograms old B-17G's sitting on the pile that had some severe water damage to it from some basement flooding a few years back. The box is shot and the kit has a good bit of silt covering it. I figure it would be an easy way to kill two birds with one stone; clean the kit and build it to free up some space, and complete a bomber for my own campaign. How is everybody else doing on their builds? "Q"
California, United States
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Posted: Sunday, June 06, 2010 - 05:15 PM UTC
Any progress folks It's been aweful quiet as of late. "Q"
New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Monday, June 07, 2010 - 06:01 PM UTC
Hi all! All but done on my entry, the Memphis Belle. Hopefully have some photos up by mid week.
Kerala, India / भारत
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Posted: Monday, June 07, 2010 - 08:08 PM UTC
Was away from the workbench for almost 3 months due to job requirements. Now that the workload seems to have eased up, i have dusted the model and started again. Here are some progress pics :

The wings are finally on - and she looks more like a plane now.

The props have been painted. Next step - spinner decals

The Fritz X AGM. Could someone tell me if it looks like RLM02 grey??? Because the camo pattern i plan is RLM02 upper with RLM73 and an RLM65 lower.

New South Wales, Australia
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Posted: Monday, June 07, 2010 - 11:07 PM UTC

Quoted Text

Was away from the workbench for almost 3 months due to job requirements. Now that the workload seems to have eased up, i have dusted the model and started again. Here are some progress pics :

The wings are finally on - and she looks more like a plane now.

The props have been painted. Next step - spinner decals

The Fritz X AGM. Could someone tell me if it looks like RLM02 grey??? Because the camo pattern i plan is RLM02 upper with RLM73 and an RLM65 lower.


Can't help you with the colour of the Fritz X from a historical perspective but here is my photo of the one at RAF Hendon Museum.


Kerala, India / भारत
Joined: August 25, 2009
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Posted: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 - 12:05 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Can't help you with the colour of the Fritz X from a historical perspective but here is my photo of the one at RAF Hendon Museum.


Thanks for the pic Damian. It goes straight to my "Reference Photos" Folder

Now hopefully you can answer my other question. Does the paint that i have sprayed on the Fritz look like the RLM02 Grey??? I tried various combination of paints to get at it and to my untrained eye it look like that. But i'm looking at an expert's opinion.

Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 - 11:57 PM UTC
I can't comment on the RLM02 colour as my monitor may not be showing the true colour you have posted. I'd say that if it looks good to you then go for it.

Matt - it has been quiet in this forum for a while and I would have had these up earlier but for a few little things - camera/computer failure to talk to each other and the other big thing called life . Anyway the Wellington is now finished (and hanging up already). Sorry there are no intermediate photos apart from those earlier ones on here of the cockpit assembly. (Note to self do NOT let other family members near camera while I still have photos on the card and not downloaded to PC )

Here we go - apologies for photos as photography is not my strong point:-

As you can see I got lazy/scared and didn't go for 18 x 250lb bombload.

Overall I am reasonably happy with the kit. It was looking at going in the QMHE comp until the front turret fogged for some reason (no CA used). The only other issue I had was that some form of inlet "thingies" that peep out from each engine cowling (3 per engine) were all about 10mm too long and would have protruded way past the props. Of course I only realised this when I was installing the bronze cowl fronts after painting.

Thanks for running this campaign - I have enjoyed it and might still try to get the Trumpeter 1/48 FW 200 Condor done before Christmas.

Everyone else keep up the good work.
