well, after having the Defiant and Bf 109G-4 done, I had rather preferred to start or pick up something in a diffewrent state of completion, to have a change to decalling the Bf 109G-5. BUT I have only 2 weekends left before our annual show in Berlin. So to have a chance to finish it the project has to be advanced. I have added a few decals yesterday and only about 6 stencils left so the end of decalling is near.
As for finishing old projects ... you know me, I put them back in teh stash but also take them on again. I have several that I would love to finish during my vacation in a few weeks but I also want to start one or another difficult project. Revell Ventura and Eduard F-4C are on top of my list at the moment ... and I have a bunch of Aftermarket for both of them.
I'd like to take the Su-7 to the finish line but I am waiting for Kenny Loops (aka Gator) masks at the moment (have not heard from him in over 2 moths .. hope everything is o.k.). And then there ist Il-2, Bf 110D Nichtfighter and Bf 110 E (which is pretty much done, but not "done!"), Turbo Porter, F-22, Mirage F.1, KAI T-50 ... just took a photo of my Ju 87B (Italeri) a few days ago

I do not even remember if I ever had a build log for this one. (I have no replacement canopy for the short shot kit part and masking the fuselage splinter is no fun).
all the best