World War II
Discuss WWII and the era directly before and after the war from 1935-1949.
Hosted by Rowan Baylis
1/48 scale Tamiya Mosquito Mk VI
New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Thursday, November 10, 2016 - 03:38 AM UTC

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I've been painting all week, but unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the Mossie or any other model. I've run out of excuses to start to paint the remaining rooms that I never painted two years ago. So this vacation week has been all about the never ending "Honey To Do List", and checking off another line item.


Joel - Every squadron has its C.O. and you are wise to obey yours just as I obey mine.
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New York, United States
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Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2016 - 10:32 PM UTC
A short Updatge

I've reached the point of my Mossie build where I can almost see the finish line, which after 5 months will be a more then welcome site. As I said in my last update I've very lightly weathered the Mossie, then sealed it with Testors Dullcoat. Finally I was able to remove the masks from the cockpit Greenhouse.

Next up was the installation of the the landing gear and tail wheel. The Tail wheel is by Ultra Cast, looks great, is well detailed, and actually fits in place without any additional work. Too bad I can't say that for the main gear assemblies. Tamiya would have you intall them during the build of the engine nacelles, but that would have made adding details almost impossible, and then doing extensive masking during the painting process that most likely with my luck would have caused all sorts of issues with the Alcad2 Aluminum paint. So I opted to install them after painting and dullcoating. But getting the main struts into their respective mounting holes, and then the trailing braces into theirs presented quite a challenge. Took me well over an hour just to get them into place on a test fit . Then another good half hour to reinstall them with glue on the strut pins, as you can't reach them once they're in place. The rear braces were a lot easier to install and glued after placement with good old Tamiya Extra Thin.

The 4 rockets and stations have been painted, lightly weathered, and a single electrical firing wire attached to each rocket exhaust chamber, and then to the launch rail. I still need to paint the wires before I install them to both wings.

And here's a few grab pictures as to how the Mossie looks now.

Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2016 - 11:00 PM UTC
Getting myself caught up on your build Joel . It has been awhile since the I dropped last by . I really like how this one is shaping up , well done so far .

European Union
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Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2016 - 11:47 PM UTC
Your Mossie looks exceptional, Joel! Well done! 5 months for a build is quite a long time. Put the propellers on and she's ready for take off.

Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 01:54 AM UTC
That looks great Joel, the weathering has really pulled everything together. What was your preferred option in the end?
Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 04:12 AM UTC
I can only echo the others I saying how nice your Mossie looks. I like the firing woes addition.

New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 05:56 AM UTC
Fantastic build Joel. I love the detailing of the rockets!
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 02:33 PM UTC
Hi Joel

Great build and a lovely paint job. You've really got this one spot-on.

Have a great day.

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New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 08:45 PM UTC

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Getting myself caught up on your build Joel . It has been awhile since the I dropped last by . I really like how this one is shaping up , well done so far .


Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my Mossie built. I'm really glad that you like what you've seen.

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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 08:52 PM UTC

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Your Mossie looks exceptional, Joel! Well done! 5 months for a build is quite a long time. Put the propellers on and she's ready for take off.



Why thank you Sir for those most kind words. I guess that I'm slowing down in my old age some. Today I turned a most depressing 69 . Although I did put quite a bit of time into the cockpit, upgraded with resin here and there, and tried to kick it up a rung or two.

I did checkout one prop and spinner, and it did look rather good.

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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 08:58 PM UTC

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That looks great Joel, the weathering has really pulled everything together. What was your preferred option in the end?

The weathering did somewhat help to tone down the two base colors by darken them just a tad. I used a thinned out Flory wash over two coats of Glosscoat, so that most of it rubbed off quite easily. When I want the full effect of a sludge wash I use it over a matt surface. I also used the Detailer acrylic pin wash in all the panel lines even after the sludge wash. A few coats of Dullcoat, killed the shine to complete the effect of a well maintained operational aircraft.

I'm still fighting a dust issue that I've never really had before. I tried a regular tack cloth but it really was just to tacky to work with. I'm thinking of seeing if a Art store has one specifically art work.

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New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 09:00 PM UTC

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I can only echo the others I saying how nice your Mossie looks. I like the firing woes addition.


As always it's great to have you stop by and comment on the latest work. BTW, how's the greenhouse on the B-29 coming? it's been a while since we've had an update.

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New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 09:10 PM UTC

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Fantastic build Joel. I love the detailing of the rockets!

It's always an honor to have you stop by, and take a look. The rockets are something different, and I just wanted to go that route instead of dumb bombs. The detailing can't get any easier then a piece of bent wire.

I painted all the wires last night with a thick coat of flat paint to simulate insulation, and it really is quite the bang for the buck.

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New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 09:12 PM UTC

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Hi Joel

Great build and a lovely paint job. You've really got this one spot-on.

Have a great day.


Always a pleasure to have you stop by and checkout the Mossie. Thanks for appreciating my efforts.

BTW, I've been slowly assembling my next build: Trumpeter's 1/32 F4F-3 late version, Battle of the Coral Sea.

European Union
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 09:17 PM UTC

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.... I guess that I'm slowing down in my old age some. Today I turned a most depressing 69 . ....


Happy birthday Joel!

Don't say that! A birthday is always a perfect time to look back and rejoice. My dad is 81 and still full of life and plans.
Remember, your age is just how old your passport makes you. Nothing more. If you're healthy and happy that's all that counts. Enjoy your day!

New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 09:49 PM UTC
Joel- Mossie looks great - finish line in sight . ( for the build , not the builder ! )
Happy birthday today and many more to come - remember , growing old is not so bad when one considers the only alternative.
Cheers ! Richard
Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 09:56 PM UTC
A very happy birthday Joel !
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New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2016 - 10:57 PM UTC
Thanks for the birthday well wishes. As we get older, we don't necessarily get any wiser, at least I don't think I ever did. I've got more aches and pains then ever, and recovery takes so much longer, if I ever do recover from physical issues.

I use to hate going to the doctor, now he's my best friend. I've survived a major heart attack, and cancer twice. I'm blind in my left eye, just to make it a little more interesting modeling up close. And the Arthritis which as been a new twist this year, has mandated that move to 1/32 scale props happen a lot sooner then later.

But for what it's worth I intend to be around for some time to come. I'll continue to be the voice of the left here on Aeroscale.

Queensland, Australia
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Posted: Monday, November 14, 2016 - 04:13 AM UTC
Happy birthday, Joel!
Gauteng, South Africa
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Posted: Monday, November 14, 2016 - 11:32 AM UTC
Happy Birthday Joel!!

May there be many, many more filled with tons of modelling.

Looking forward to see it all.

Best wishes and kind regards,

BTW - the Mossie looks awesome!!
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New York, United States
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Posted: Sunday, November 20, 2016 - 11:24 PM UTC
I can use a little help and guidance from those with way more expertise with the Mosquito.

The build is just about done, as I've been touching up painting issues for a few days now that show up only when I take close up photos. I still have one remaining item, and that's the Antenna.

The version MkVI that I'm building is a RCAF Mossie late 1944. Tamiya's instructions only show the antenna Mast on the fuselage spine but no Antenna wire. The online instructions that Aviaeology sent me when I purchased the decals shows an antenna wire from the tail to the mast. The instructions with the decals show a whip antenna but no mast. Online google searches have it both ways and even just an updated radio mast.

I've reopened the mast hole, and then glued the mast into place, then this issue raised its ugly head. So which way would be correct? I'm hoping just the mast, but I'm never that lucky.

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Posted: Monday, November 21, 2016 - 12:00 AM UTC
Joel, I thought most of the FB VI's had a whip antenna or none at all. There are NO good photos on the web, that's for sure. Below is a Mossie that looks devoid of the mast or rigging. However, it may be the TSE-TSE version judging by the ventral cannon barrel sticking out. Don't know if that makes a difference. The info is probably in the Osprey Book if anybody has one handy.

Best wishes,


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New York, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 21, 2016 - 12:09 AM UTC
Thanks for that info. I'm betting that it has a whip antenna. The problem with all the pictures I have is that the antenna wires are so thin you can't see them even if they're there.

New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Monday, November 21, 2016 - 02:56 AM UTC

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Thanks for that info. I'm betting that it has a whip antenna. The problem with all the pictures I have is that the antenna wires are so thin you can't see them even if they're there.


Joel - I hope this is helpful rather than adding to the confusion - I have found in my library two very clear shots of the antenna wire but it is on RAF Coastal Command B IV bomber version . There is what seems to be a pitot high on the leading edge of the vertical stab . About halfway down to the fuselage spine is where the antenna insulator attaches. Wire leads forward to another insulator trailing from the mast and then out board to some where on the port wing - this part is not very clear.
I know it is neither the type or service you are modeling but if you want to view it I will try to get the image to you. Part of our household computer woes is an uncooperative scanner. Our techie ( oldest daughter) will be around for Thanksgiving and has promised to look into this quagmire.
Anyhow - Let me know - Richard
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, November 21, 2016 - 05:28 AM UTC
So I guess your' to old for the birthday bumps .....

Happy B-day Joel !
