Hi gang
my turn again ... last weekend consumed much of my months budget .. should help me to lose some more weight.
this is the first batch. As written above, moduni has a sale right now and especially the decals were/are in a good price range:

CMK 2 x Fw 190A/D Wheels 1:48
KMC Sturmovik Wooden Wing /Staight 1:48
AMD Storms in the Sky Pt.XI 1:48
AMD Sabres over Korea Pt.VI 1:48
AMD Sabres over Korea Pt.VII 1:48
AMD S.E.Asia Mustangs 23RD FG Pt.I 1:48
AMD Lightnings Galore (P-38) * 1:48
AMD Lead Sleads F-105 Pt.IV 1:48
Eagle Strike In defence of the Reich, Pt. I, Fw 190's 1:48
Eagle Strike Barbarossa Pt.II Invasion of Russia (Bf 109) 1:48
Eagle Strike P-40 K,N Warhawks Pt.III 1:48
Techmod British Roundels part III 1:48
Techmod Hawker Typhoon Mk Ib 1:48
all the best