Jessica, I'd never heard of the XF10F Jaguar until you posted that kit, I just had to go Googling. What an unusual choice of aircraft to release! Only two built, only the second one flew, and it ended up as a target on a gunnery range! Cool looking aircraft, it will be a conversation starter in any display.
Well, over 12 years and 167 pages of "Aeroscale Postman" reports, what a great thread to look back over. Just pick a page at random and see what (and who) is in there.
My last 2 posts both included P-47 Razorbacks, so why break the pattern? I've been keeping an eye out for this one at the right price for a while to see how it stacks up against the Tamiya kit (which is my favourite kit to build).

I also posted some Me262 additions, so I hunted down one of these, which will be an interesting build to say the least.

And finally, I'm ashamed to say I haven't built a Spitfire, apart from helping my young son butcher a 1/72 Airfix kit a few years back, since my early teens. I've eyed off the Tamiya 1/32 kits a few times but not pulled the trigger, but I couldn't resist the price tag on this one.

It looks pretty basic, with raised panel lines, but reviews say it goes together well and is fairly accurate, so I might track down some RAAF decals and take this one on as a long term project with a view to sanding and scribing and adding some detail.
I hope everybody is staying safe and well.
Cheers, D