What the postman brought today ....
South Australia, Australia
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Posted: Monday, June 21, 2010 - 07:49 PM UTC
And now for something completely different..
Here is a picture of the kits a friend of mine in the Phillipines is going to be sending me next week..

Top to bottom...
1/48 Hobby Boss F-111C Pig (Second one for the stash)
1/35 Hobby Boss Il-2 Sturmovik (Finally!!)
1/35 Trumpeter BR-57 Armoured Locomotive..
Anticipation is killing me even now..
Happy Happy Joy Joy
You may be right, I may be crazy.
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Posted: Monday, June 21, 2010 - 08:27 PM UTC
Hi Michal
Well, with the pile of reviews and other stuff I need to do for Kitmaker (not to mention trying to start my own business), it could easily slip to next year! But I don't think Jean-Luc will wait for me, so it'll have to be next month!

Hi Warren - great haul due to head your way! The Il-2 is 1:32 (not 1:35), isn't it? I'll be really interested to find out whether they've made a good job of it.
All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
South Australia, Australia
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Posted: Monday, June 21, 2010 - 09:58 PM UTC
Yes, you are correct Rowan.. silly me.. (IDIOT!!)

You may be right, I may be crazy.
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Posted: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 - 07:11 AM UTC
Hi again
Postie certainly busy at Castle Aeroscale; today a fantastic package arrived from our friends at Pavla!

Look out for reviews soon.

All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 - 07:36 AM UTC
i hope that s.6 is easier to build than the one i just finished for the seaplane campaign...
good luck
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Posted: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 - 07:45 AM UTC
Quoted Text
i hope that s.6 is easier to build than the one i just finished for the seaplane campaign...
good luck
Hi Paul
I must admit that it's seriously tempting to find out!
Lovely job on the old Testors kit!
All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
South Australia, Australia
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Posted: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 - 11:18 AM UTC
Well, apart from the case of wine my Wife ordered, bless her heart!, the postman bought a little box from the UK which contained the following..

Ideal for the 1/48 Boomerang and Wirraway I got the week before last!

You may be right, I may be crazy.
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Friday, June 25, 2010 - 11:03 AM UTC
OK my favorit online shop had them in stock so I couldn't resist what with my loyalty discount and all.

These found their way into the package as well.

Thats a set of replacement nozzles for a Harrier GR.9 in the blister and the decals are for the pre war Kingfisher.

On the bench...
Italeri A129 Mangusta
British Bulldog Spitfire theme build
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Posted: Friday, June 25, 2010 - 11:50 AM UTC
Luciano that must be one of the best hauls I have seen in a long time, fantastic. What do you think of the Harrier nozzles?
Rowan are'nt Pavla nice people sending you that Supermarine S6. It looks a beauty. Looking forward to your review of that, enjoy.
Texas, United States
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Posted: Friday, June 25, 2010 - 06:31 PM UTC
@ Rowan: I love that bird, allways have since I put a kit together back in the 60's. I think it was either Hawk or Airfix, it has been too long.
@ Warren: Let me know how the Life Color compairs to either Tamiya or Vallejo.
@ Luciano: Nice haul there, I will be waiting to see the Seafire Mk II finished.
If it aint broke dont fix it.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, June 26, 2010 - 01:15 PM UTC
Today I walked out of the hobby shop with the new issue of Over the Front . # vol 25 number 1 spring 2010 .
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Posted: Saturday, June 26, 2010 - 07:10 PM UTC
Florida, United States
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Posted: Monday, June 28, 2010 - 01:09 PM UTC
Delivery from postie today...

One for origami campaign and other for CAS campaign..Was anyone planning on doing a build review on the E-2c because if not Id like to?
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Posted: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - 01:42 AM UTC
Hi again
Courtesy of the local model shop rather than Postie - the Airfix Bf 109E has finally arrived on the Isle of Wight.

All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
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Posted: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - 03:20 AM UTC
Nice haul Justin, the Hawkeye looks superb, is it possible to do a size comparision of the wings and fuselage with a similiar scale F-16 or similiar. I would be interested to see the relative difference. I must admit the only thing putting me off buying on is the price. But two prop carrier aircraft with a large saucer on top is to much to resist. I wonder if Kinetic will release a Greyhound? As far as I can tell no one has done a review on the Hawkeye. In fact Kinetic kits are very thin on the ground review wise.
Rowan it will be interesting to read your views of the Airfix quarter scale Emil.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 - 04:15 AM UTC
sure tim remind me when I start building and I will take the picture for you.
"From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of
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Posted: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 - 03:04 AM UTC
I got these two sets of Mike Grant's decals today - straight from the envelope

England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 - 06:21 AM UTC
a few bits i've picked up over the last week...can you spot a theme here...
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Posted: Friday, July 02, 2010 - 12:33 AM UTC
Hi again
A big thank you to Steffen!

He's very kindly sent me an unwanted kit from his Stash!:

It brings back fond memories for me because I built the kit when it first came out, but had to trash it along with most of my models when I left London last year.
All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
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Posted: Friday, July 02, 2010 - 02:13 AM UTC
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Posted: Friday, July 02, 2010 - 08:01 PM UTC
Hi Rowan
Glad it arrived o.k. .... though the box looks a bit beaten
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Posted: Friday, July 02, 2010 - 08:04 PM UTC
Hi Steffen
Thanks again.

Yes, the box is a bit the worse for wear, but don't worry - everything is perfectly intact inside.

All the best
As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me. - H. Rider Haggard
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Posted: Friday, July 02, 2010 - 09:33 PM UTC
Hmm, somehow half of my post disapeared ...
Nice haul Nick!
I bought myself the Zvezda Bf 109 F-2 (14,50€) yesterday and a ICM P-51 for 10 Euro. Also I got a bunch of samples (Pilatus PC-6 Air America, VEF Irbitis I16, Fw 186, Fokker Dr.I (red plastic(!) Revell edition) and sadly the HB Hellcat as a NF) and finally my BAC Lightning ... left most of those in the car, so no pic this time...
already over 30°C since 10AM local
all the best
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, July 03, 2010 - 01:12 AM UTC
just a couple of bits...

England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, July 03, 2010 - 01:41 AM UTC
This dropped through the door on Thursday

And inside was these.

Thanks to Mal's quick turn around I have the Miracle Masks so I can get on with my P-51 and P-47 Campaign builds. (the instructions may even get framed after use

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