Have been taking a little time off from the machine this week....a little work though.
1. tried rolling my own flat wires.....fa-geddit........
2. Pulled qtips REALLY small. yeah, can make them flat, but I think I'm gonna need some structural wite....I gotta have it be able to hold things. Rolling flat is a pain because one can't really get them STRAIGHT...
3. I think I'm gonna use the shortie turnbuckles, along with any PE hardware....except for the PE turnbuckles.
4. The ONLY real question right now is the wire itself. "Invisible" monofilament is so small, nobodies going to see it anyway. I MAY use some wire, silver wire to simulate the RAF wires.
5. Been working on another place nobody looks at, the real fuselage belly. Really bad Roden fit there. I SHOULD have used stiffeners but didn't. Got a ton of putty to get the area level and flat. Thats a lot of fun.
6. I have also been acquiring....."stuff" for my future Abbie build.

7. Sooooooooooooo, I haven't totally disappeared yet.
Thanks for thinking about me.......I've been keeping an eye on all the Compadres.....running around here.