Howdy Jesper ! Kalt bet me to it , both typing at the same time , my fingers are just a little slower then his . But I answered any way !
For your first question the gun decking should be painted in a dark olive green . Same with the top of the axle wing ( no streaking ) . This was stander finish from the factory . Keep in mind though that there would be different varitions ot what the supplies would have been so in some case's the colour would be on the light side as well . But still a olive green .
For the streaking , well you got me there . I only made a few try's of this . You can get decals for this . Gun Sight Graphic's does them in 48 scale and can be found on E-bay . Stephen has a thread on this subject as well Streaking Camo 101 .
Start with a base coat of CDL . Or a linen shade of your liking . When this is dried seal it with a few coats of lacquer either gloss or dull . You could use future as well . Once this is all said and dry you can now do the streaking . Using oil paints like testors .
Load up a flat brush , not to much paint though . Your not looking for a full cover . And at a 45 degree angle with the spaceing of two ribs start working your way in one way . Keep going until the brush runs dry and start over again . This for for the tops of the wings and the trutle deck . You might have to go back and add more to areas which a weak in colour but don't over do it . Let this dry fully and seal it with future . A lttile tip to , keep the brush moist when doing this . The paint will dry on the brush if you don't and will make a mess out of it .
When i did my i went over key areas with a little raw sierra to break it up . This was by a wisking montion back and forth .
You should end up with something like this ........
and the fially the end results .............
For the sides of the fuselage the same method is used but straight up and down . Starting from the top making your way down .
This was my thrid try at doing this type of camo so you may want to try it out on a srcap wing or card to get the feel of it . It does come down to mostly practicing the method and everyone will have there own opinions of what the colours should or will be . In the pic's posted I used acrylics , no oils and I'm very pleased with the out come .
Stpehen also has a review build log on this kit and is most worth having a peek at how he does his . It help me a lot with this method .
Hope this helps you out in some way !
Your build so far is looking very nice Jesper , what do you think of the kit so far ?