Seeing all these fine build, it is about time that I post some progress here.
The Revell A-10 kit is a nice kit, but not surprisingly, a bit simple, especially when compared to the nice Eduard kits. The fit of the kit is fine, but the outer engine parts do not fit well. Also, the fuselage halves don't fit well at the bottom, but I am not bothered by that and leave it as it is as you hardly don't see it
After glueing all parts together, I first gave the little beast a coat of Tamiya fine surface primer. Unfortunately, it ended up a bit rough. After drying one night, I sprayed a layer of Tamiya Sky gray on the model.
This is the stage the model is currently in. The next step will be adding a darker shade of gray on certain spots as is in real life.
The real bonus in this kit is in my opinion the large amount of ordnance that can be put on the pylons under the wings. This gives the model the look it deserves, being the flying tank on the battle field. Also a big plus in this kit is the decal sheet, containing a lot of decals covering the tiniest details, like the 'no step' signs for the wings.