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Looking good, although I'm curious to see the weathering you're going to apply to turn the interior-greenish color into a dark grey.
He he, the instructions say pale green. I have seen that also on some luftwaffe planes, but maybe that was early war machines

Anyway, I went with the instructions, but I can understand that all Luftwaffe planes were dark grey for interior?
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Did those wing-cannon barrels come with the kit? To my knowledge, G6's didn't have 'em, unless they were on under-wing gondolas.
The kit includes underwing gondolas as well. I think the kit is a mix up of several different "G" versions. I know the G-6 did not have them, but I might need to check my references on what version I am actually building.

For sure it is a post G-4 version as the bulges in the engine cowling for bigger 13 mm MG 131 guns were introduced on the G-5. The instructions only show to remove them if the gondolas are mounted. I might need to remove them anyway.
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What is this kit? I didn't know Zvedsa had a 109 in the catalog.
Judging from the WIP pics, I'd say that's a re-boxed academy (and that in turn ex-hasegawa...) kit. If it is, they must have re-tooled the kit, since academy's kit has narrow sprues to fit inside the box.
I actually thought it was a Zvezda kit. It is quite decent. Nothing fantastic, but good value for money. The instructions could be better. (I would have to say after the cockpit colour and gun mistakes.) :-)
I have a Zvezda 1/72 Fw 190 Dora in my stash as well. Wonder if that is Hasegawa as well
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Btw, does that small block of text on box-top say:
Warning: All sales of this kit abroad ex-USSR are illegal?
A friend bought it for me when he was travelling in Russia some years back. However, I would bet I could get it anyway here in Riga. Some might argue that Latvia is former USSR, but do not say that to a Latvian.
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I've been thinking about participating as well. Does a U.S P-39 make a good entry? Russian lend-lease planes are go, since they were used extensively "down 'n' low", but is a P-39Q "Devastating devil" used in the Pacific OK for the campaign?
Well, as long as it still has the 37mm cannon it will be okay.
As far as I can tell the P-39Q still had the 37mm cannon despite changing the propeller (?) If it can be used down low and has a 37mm cannon it is a go.