Hi all!
When I left off last time I had the airframe painted in the basic colors.
As soon as the paints had cured I gave it a coat of Humbrol 35, Clear Gloss to prepare for the decals.
Then It was off to the decalling;
Revells´ decals went on without any hitches, they are matt and quite stiff but conforms very well to the surface, even If they don´t react at all on Micro-set or -sol!
When dry, they had snuggled down and looked like painted-on.
When dry, I noticed that some decals had silvered despite a very hard and glossy surface.
Another (bigger!) annoyance was when I discovered that the blue "O" was slightly misprinted so the white undercoat showed trough!
I let this dry for a couple of days before I gave the modell a overall satin clear coat.
Finally I mixed 90% thinner with 10% sand brown (It looked like dishwater) and top coated all over the model, even the underside!
This was to "brake off" the too fresh colors in the decals, and to blend everything together.
Next day I could demask the model!
This Is a really exciting step, had it worked as It should?
Yes, nice and clean overall!
Well, then came the landing gears and all those small and fiddly parts that was left in the box and before I knew It, she was finished!
Yes, I can call the "Panzer-Knacker" finished!
Heavy MK101 Gun;
Landing gear with added brake lines (0.3mm steel wire);
Nose with gun sight;
Only minor fit issue are at the exhausts.
If you leave them off to be added after painting is done (as I did), you have to cut off the locating pin and sand them a bit thinner so you can slide them in under the cowl.
It´s a very snug fit here, I did´nt use any glue to fix them in place, just some gentle(!) pressure.
Overall, this was a relaxing and enjoyable build from the very beginning to the end!
One of the best and easiest kits I have built.
One thing is clear, the Hs-129 is a small aircraft, but it has a lot of MEAN ATTITUDE!
Stefan E