This is the official tread for the Down low - WWII tank busting campaign.
I was planning to wait with starting the official tread until the campaigns were up and running. However, since we do not really know how long that will take, I thought I might go ahead anyway and start them up with the details of the campaign in the first post.

Let me know if you are ready for some tank busting down low and personal

I will be running this campaign with some help from Patrick (Blackwulf). Here are the general rules of the campaign:
Operational Overview
WWII was the conflict where the tank really came of age and was incorporated in huge numbers in armies as a true weapon system in its own. No longer was the tank only supporting infantry and providing cover through no mans land. In WWII the tank was used to break the front and rip through the enemy’s weak rear areas.
To counter this threat many countries developed dedicated aircraft to seek out and destroy enemy armoured vehicles on the ground. This was usually done by using cannons and/or bombs in low level attacks.
Rules and Regulations
This campaign is supposed to concern WWII aircraft used in the Tank bursting role. The aircraft could be from any of WWII battlefields and from any country participating in WWII.
A tank busting aircraft is defined as an aircraft that could be used to take out enemy tanks on the battlefield in low level attacks. This means that the aircraft should be designed or adopted for low level battlefield attacks armed with either large calibre guns and/or cannons and/or bombs/rockets. The weapons for destroying tanks should be visible on the aircraft. A FW 190 fighter bomber without a bomb does not qualify.
Here are some examples of planes that would fit into this campaign:
Stuka armed with bombs or 37mm cannons
Henschel 129 armed with 30mm cannon or bombs
Hawker Tempest with missiles or bombs
P-47 Thunderbolt armed with bombs or 115mm rockets
Il-2 Sturmovic armed with bombs/missiles
FW-190 fighter bomber armed with bomb
JU-88 P-1 armed with the 75mm PaK 40
ME 262 armed with bombs
There are many more airplanes that qualify than the above examples. If you have any doubts, just ask.
Examples of planes that cannot be included into the tank busting campaign:
Lancaster, B-17 etc. as these planes were not intended as low level attack aircraft for destroying individual tanks.
Spitfire, ME 109, FW 190 etc. as long as these fighters do not include the weapons capable of destroying tanks i.e. heavy cannons or bomb/rockets.
Dioramas and figures are welcome. All scales are fine.
Contest Element
A ribbon will be given for all entries completed before the end of the deadline.