So much great progress in this campaign! I love you Spitfire,
Vanize! Great work on the finish! And them Fokkers are comming on nicely,
My plight with the AML Mirage IIICJ continues... I've been forces to make my own special sanding sticks in order to reach all areas that need sanding,
i.e. every single seam!

Unfortunately, the fit of the short run kit is not up to par! The plastic seems way to thick! Here are a couple of progress pics that illustrate the problem.
A) Dryfitting the intakes. The intake (2 parts) sticks out at almost 2 mm (not good in 1/72)!

B) In order to avoid having to destroy the surface detail, I had to do some heavy sanding and trimming on all other areas. -
This is not a pretty sight!

C) I've tried to fill the gaps (
read canyons) with superglue, but I find that method very hard to work with. I'm not sure I'm doing it right. (Can't see the glue = Can't see the result). Instead, I'm doing some "filling without sanding" (masking of all other areas except the gaps, filling them with putty and using Q-tips with acetone nail polish remover to smoothen the area). It looks good so far, but how will it come out under a highliy polished aluminum finish!?!

Anyhow - Who said that modelling should be easy / fun / painless...?
Cheers // PolarBear