Hi all,
It's been a long time since I have posted in the "Postman Thread". I think this time it's worth it...
Yesterday I was away for shopping and this is what I brought home (amongst other stuff)...

We are fortunate here in France to live in a country were there is a big comic book industry. Since a few years now, some artists have focused on aviation related stories and every year we have new ones. Above you can see from left to right an Artbook from Christophe Gibelin who does some fantastic covers for the French magazine "le Fana de l'Aviation", in the middle there is the third episode of "Ciel en Ruine" by Olivier Dauger, the story of a young Luftwaffe Me 262 pilot (lots of mustangs too...) and at the right, the second episode of "Le Grand Duc" which relates the story of a desillusioned Luftwaffe pilot and a female Russian pilot. The author of the latter is Romain Hugault who also does some artworks for "le Fana" and who is a very talented aircraft model buider.
When I came home, this was waiting at the door step...

Today, I made a visit in a store called "NOZ". It sells products which come from retailers who went bankrupt. From time to time there are model kits for very attractive prices. I have got these four kits for less than 32€, which is the usuall price for one Hasegawa kit here in France...

Finally, when I got home, this parcel from Neomega was in my letter-box...

The Rest Models Quad M-4 is for UM's Gaz Quadruple Maxim truck, the wheel bay for Tamiya's Mustang and the cowling correction set for the Hobby Boss FM-2 Wildcat.
I think I will spend my week-end reading the books and drooling over the kits...