Wow,every one is coming right along!
@ Terri, glad to see the mistress of cerimonies is finally getting in on the act.
@Justin, that drop tank is going to look great! I never have had the patients to plumb the tanks

Once I get started I just bulldog to the end

As for the weighted wheel. In the picture it looks a bit extreme, but I'll wait until its done to weigh in with an opinion
In the mean time, this is a photo of Kermit Weeks' P-51D here in Florida. Note the tires in their chocks.
@Vance, brother what are you talking about??

I never build a Mustang without using UltraCast exhaust, canopy bows or seats.

The exhausts are the exact size and shape as the Tamyia ones except for being hollow. I suspect if yours stuck out too far...well
Now, as for me...once again I have bulled thru my build have gotten to the point of weathering. Decaling done and sealed with Testors Dulcote.
So, Sweet Helen II is almost ready to meet the rest of her stablemates