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Official Sea Plane Campaign Thread
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 - 07:43 AM UTC
Not as nice as Justin's, but due to the circumstances I have to say I'm done.

First major problem was the decals;

But I finished up the painting and weathering;

I wish I was a little more informed on this type of model but I did learn a number of items; Buy smaller, Make enough wash for the entire model, weather before adding on the small items that stick out, and in this case weather before putting on the wings.

Thanks for a great campaign,
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 - 08:18 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Since we already have a BV138 on the go for this campaign I am going to change plans and drag an oldie out of the stash and do a Matchbox He 115, one of the old 3 colour jobbies. Wish me luck.

Now, to do the German or Finnish markings ?? Hmmmmmm

Well, it's an opinion quite far from unbiased, but I'd say go for the Finnish option!
And if you do, I'd suggest replacing those FAF markings, the blue in the swastikas looks too light and as does the green in the registry codes.
Btw, are you planning to use any aftermarket goodies or go for an OOB experience?

Quoted Text

Wow, I forgot how thoughtful these Matchbox guys were. I don't even have to paint this rig. Dark brown upper wings, Beige fuselage, Bright blue lower wings, this baby would have been darn near invisible. The original stealth bomber !!

I second that. If there's one thing I find more puzzling than manufacturers using brightly coloured plastic in their kits, it's multiple bright colours used in the same kit!
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 - 12:58 PM UTC
everybodys builds are looking great I lost the MOM again But its ok I entered my PBY in this months MOM hope it goes well

Build On,
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 12:40 AM UTC
@ Bob Card- I think it looks pretty good, and I think every model is part of the learning curve..
@ Todd- thats quite the contraption there..should be interesting when done
@ Eetu- waiting to see what you make of that kit..
Wyoming, United States
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Posted: Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 05:48 AM UTC
Here is my first in-progress photo of the Amodel Russian Hydroplane SPL that I am building for this campaign.

I have the basic construction completed. My next step is to fill in some gaps. The construction was fairly simple. The instruction sheet is very basic so there was a lot of dry fitting required.

Hopefully I will have another photo to post soon.


Tennessee, United States
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Posted: Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 06:06 AM UTC
Bob, I feel your pain to quote a famous politician! Decal problems suck!!! Your finish on your PBY looks fine though, if you can invest in some after market decals you'll be just fine. Decals that
distingrate on you are fortunately relatively rare. Although I did have terrible problems with some Minicraft decals on an MD-80 commercial bird. Try to invest in some micro scale liquid decal film. Most good hobby stores should have it or you can order it from Squadron. Paint it on over the decals with a brush if you see problems, it will hold the decals together for you. Hope this helps. Russell
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 06:11 AM UTC

Quoted Text

@ Eetu- waiting to see what you make of that kit..

Sorry to have kept all of you waiting.
I've been distracted by some other unfinished builds of mine...

Still at pretty much the same spot, I've got the yellow and white areas painted on the fuselage, floats and wings, as well as the struts painted intermediate blue.
It's about time I got myself going with the masking tape and paint the rest of the thing blue...

Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 09:17 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Sorry to have kept all of you waiting.

Eetu....please I hope you didnt misunderstand my comment..I was merely expressing that I am happy to see what else you will build..
Uusimaa, Finland
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Posted: Friday, December 18, 2009 - 02:33 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Quoted Text

Sorry to have kept all of you waiting.

Eetu....please I hope you didnt misunderstand my comment..I was merely expressing that I am happy to see what else you will build..

No no, I didn't. I should have added another smilie to make the semi-tongue-in-cheek nature of my reply more apparent.

Scotland, United Kingdom
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Posted: Saturday, December 19, 2009 - 07:41 AM UTC
Arrived today: The canopy and props for the sunderland. No excuses now.
Masks for the codes sorted with Mal for the new year. Better get cracking.

Also ordered some rub n buff to try that out for the metal finish.
I've some humbrol buffable, tamiya spray alu, bare metal foil, rub n buff

That should give me the variations of hues I'll need. Need to finish scribing
and then assemble the wings.
Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, December 19, 2009 - 09:56 AM UTC
Sounds interesting JP..I have a keen interest in aluminum finishes these days ,and Ill be watching your progress with enthusiasm!
New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 - 01:25 AM UTC
Hi all. Here's where I am with my Arado Ar 95 so far.

This kit it turning out to be FAR more challenging than I had anticipated. There have been a couple of spots where I just wanted to scrap it and buy a different kit, but I'm slogging on.
The toughest thing is the struts for the pontoons and wings... there's no locating pins or indents or anything. Just little ovals molded into the plastic.
And the resin engine cowel was too tight for the engine. Had to cut it, spread it, and fill a 1.5mm gap.
And the wing halves didn't fit together along the edges. Had to fill and sand front and back.
I hope I'm learning a lot from this one.

Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 - 02:23 AM UTC
Scott, Im well versed with the difficulties of building your chosen kit, and my hats off to you for giving her a go! Its a tricky build, but yours is looking great!..Keep the smoke coming on out of your chimney there man!
Staff MemberAssociate Editor
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 - 08:19 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Hi all. Here's where I am with my Arado Ar 95 so far.

I hope I'm learning a lot from this one.

Scott, your Arado is looking great, even with all the issues you have described. Are the floats permanently fixed now? You could try drilling a small wire pin into the float leg as a locator. Maybe I'm too late? I have a feeling I will be doing this for my Cant Z506 in the Made in Italy campaign, it looks as though it has similar issues.

Keep it going, looking good.

Cheers, D
New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 - 02:32 PM UTC
Yes - they're fixed on pretty good now. I made a jig out of some foam and toothpicks to hold everything steady as it dried. Tacked the struts in place with liquid welder then glopped on some CA.
I'm sanding the CA and filling gaps to smooth them out.

Hopefully I'll get some time tomorrow night to start on the top wing.

Thanks for the encouragement, guys.
Florida, United States
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Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 - 03:21 PM UTC
Thats a sleek looking plane scott good work.

Build On,
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Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 - 03:59 PM UTC
Hello All,
The Docs are allowing me 4 hours a day to work on my models. Not counting the extra time I get in around 2 am when everyone is asleep .
Jim has been keeping me up to date on the builds and to all of you: Great Job Everyone. I have seen some Great Builds along with alot of encouragement from everyone to everyone and lots of great tips. Again: Great Job Everyone.
I will not be around much this week, Still a little weak and I get tired very easy, But I will be looking and reading this thread.
If there is anything I can do to help, Please let me know.
Staff MemberAssociate Editor
Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Monday, December 21, 2009 - 04:17 PM UTC
G'day Bruce, great to have you back at it! I must apologise I haven't started my build for this campaign yet, but rest assured it is out on the workbench next in line.

Cheers and best wishes for a speedy recovery, Damian
Gdańsk, Poland
Joined: December 24, 2009
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Posted: Thursday, December 24, 2009 - 12:31 AM UTC
Hello everyboday

last week, I found this nice forum. I'm very interested in sea-planes generally. So I want take part with the new Italeri Arado 196 in quarterscale.

I hope, I'm not too late for sign in.

Best Regards, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, December 24, 2009 - 01:22 AM UTC
hi all,

i've not forgotten this build,the next thing is primer but its been really cold and snowy here and as i spray outside at the moment i've not done much.

i have about 5 diferent projects to spray when it get a bit warmer.

happy christmas to eveyone.

Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, December 24, 2009 - 02:43 AM UTC
@Damian-no worries...Ive been sidetracked by other commitments, etc myself...theres plenty of time left..
@Derek- Not at all and welcome!!
@ Paul- agreed point in spraying if the weathers not right ..on humid days my airbrush just packs it in sometimes ..
Its Christmas Eve, and for all you folks so inclined, have a merry Christmas, and may Gods blessings be upon you, and for those not so inclined, please accept my warmest wishes for the year for health,wealth, and happiness for you and your families.
California, United States
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Posted: Saturday, December 26, 2009 - 01:00 PM UTC
Well my HU-16 stalled and I picked up something else to fill the gap. Ye' olde Glencoe Condor in Adm, Byrds markings for his expedition. I was initially going to do all the rigging, but after thinking on it some more, I decided not to chance it. The holes are drilled so if I change my mind later, I can get them installed. I thought it was kinda funny that the paint call outs were in the Bronco's colors. Just saw I need to install my two exhaust pipes. Will do that once this is posted. Anyway, here she is. Thanks, "Q"

Ontario, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, December 27, 2009 - 02:25 AM UTC
What a great looking little plane Matt! It looks like something to go on the shelf in an executives office..very clean and well done work!
California, United States
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Posted: Sunday, December 27, 2009 - 03:31 AM UTC
Thanks Jim. It was a fun kit to build. I decided early on to fill the windows with resin and use decals which gives it that desktop look. I have a new found appreciation for Elmers white glue. I used it exclusively to attach all the struts, floats and assorted braces. It gave me plenty of working time and if I needed to readjust later, it pops right off, BUT is strong enough to hold things in place. Is there a gallery set up for the campaign? I was going to post pics of it, but could not find a gallery for the campaign....or am I just missing it?? Thanks again for the kudos, much appreciated. "Q"
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Posted: Sunday, December 27, 2009 - 05:02 PM UTC
Hello All,
I sent in a request for a gallery. I am very sorry about missing that for the campaign.
I hope all of you will forgive me for the lapse.
@ Matthew,
Great looking build to echo Jim. It does look like it belongs in a office. Great tip about the Elmars Glue.