Lone Star 1:48 RAF FE 8 vac
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, July 14, 2010 - 06:28 AM UTC
Quoted Text
You just have to, I know...once you know something is wrong..try ignoring it doesnt work...in the end you know it has to be done so good on you for taking the brave pill and rising to it Terri
Thank-you my friend ! Yeah , if the right side wasn't so bad I would have continued on , being off by 6mm is to much . 1mm , which would have been better .
Since a few of you have ask on how I made the wings and since they are being re-done a tutioral is being work on and will be posted soon and this project will carry on
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, September 26, 2010 - 03:32 PM UTC
i'm back on this project once more now that I'm caught up with a few things .
Wings are almost done just a few more details and pic's will be up soon .
Texas, United States
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Posted: Monday, September 27, 2010 - 11:39 AM UTC
Glad you back on the FE-8 and I'm looking forward to seeing the first new photos. Excellent work my friend I've enjoyed going back and rereading this thread.
Highest Regards,
Gregory Jouette
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, January 20, 2011 - 01:03 PM UTC
After trying to redo the wings three times and screwing up three times I dove in the trash can and retrieved the wings . Sitting down and looking at the plans then back at the parts -back to the plans . With some hacking and sanding plus a little filling I final got results on which I'm happy with and everything measures up they way it should have in the first place . The problem was with the right lower wing . My original cuts were what was causing the troubles and throwing every thing off . All I had to do was add a bit of plastic to the edge against the wing and cut back the control surface . How I made this mistake in the first place is beyond me . Still have a few touches here and there and replace a bit of the detail then it is off to primer and masking the ribs .
Västra Götaland, Sweden
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Posted: Thursday, January 20, 2011 - 08:27 PM UTC
Hi Terri,
Very glad to see you've sorted out the trouble with your wings (altough I really thought your scratched items looked the business).
Really looking forward to the continuing saga of this fine build
Best Regards
Just finished the Wingnut Wings Taube. On to the Junkers D.1
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, January 20, 2011 - 11:42 PM UTC
Quoted Text
Hi Terri,
Very glad to see you've sorted out the trouble with your wings (altough I really thought your scratched items looked the business).
Really looking forward to the continuing saga of this fine build
Best Regards
Thanks Mikael for the comments !
It does feel good to be back on this one after it has been staring at me on the bench for some time .
you can see in the pic on the right lower wing the white bit of plastic which I had to add 0.40 . So these wings here aren't remade but the ones I first posted . It can be fun sometimes learning how to fix our errors when it comes to scratchbuilding while on the other hand it can be frustrating .......
West Virginia, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 21, 2011 - 01:04 AM UTC
Great to see you back at this one Terri. I know you'll do it justice! I understand your frustration. I had redone the tail on my Grigorovich M5 three times and was finally happy with it, then it got broken off during the move into our new house and pulled most of the tail rigging down with it.

I have it in a cake carrier so it doesn't get dusty and I took it out the other night and was thinking of finally finishing it off with a beachside base. We all know how much hard work goes into modelling a vac kit and how much you've done for yours and we're all pulling for you.
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Friday, January 21, 2011 - 06:04 AM UTC
". . .The most important thing is to know why you build and then get the most that you can out of building." via D.D.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, January 22, 2011 - 12:03 AM UTC
Thanks Mark and Stephen !
Yes I remember when you told us on the mishap on the flying boat . A lot of work went into her Glad to here that you have it out and will be making repairs to her which I look forward to seeing .
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2011 - 03:56 AM UTC
Small up date here .
The masking of the ribs is finished and the CDL has been applied to the lower surfaces of the wings . Will be spraying the PC-12 today and will post pic's later this evening of the results .
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, March 06, 2011 - 12:11 PM UTC
For the CDL I used Tamiya buff spray up the layers until I was happy with the coverage . Some areas got a few extra passes .
This time I didn't go for PC-10 but want to try PC-12 . Here I used Tamiyas paints by mixing olive drab and flat brown . Seems alittle dark but I can live with the shade , it did turn out not to bad .
This will dry for a few days until it gets a few cotes of future for the decals , which after they are in place . I will go over the rib tapes with Tamiya smoke followed by pastels .
Struts are being prep for their wood graining as well as the prop . While reading over ref's on this subject I ended up robbing the four blade prop out of the DH-2 kit by Eduard . ( The four blade prop was oringlely off of the FE-8 )
Still along ways to go before she is finished , but I hope you folks are enjoying the build .
British Columbia, Canada
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Posted: Monday, March 07, 2011 - 03:53 AM UTC
That looks great Terri, very tidy work.
Arizona, United States
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Posted: Monday, March 07, 2011 - 03:58 AM UTC

Hi Terri:
It is nice to see you moving along on this one. You may want to try a scotch pad and gently go over the upper surfaces to give it a faded look. I did with the NINAK, ran the wings under the sink faucet and used a scotch pad very lightly and it took off just enough paint to bring out the CDL underneath. I like your preshading on the undersurfaces, very subtle, distinct, but not overly done. Very nice.
We few, we happy few........
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Monday, March 07, 2011 - 12:27 PM UTC
Thanks guys!
Mark , thanks for the tip as well . Will have to try that on a different build . Fading will be done with pastels on this build .
Would Tamiya paints hold up to the scotch bright ?
Västra Götaland, Sweden
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Posted: Monday, March 07, 2011 - 08:07 PM UTC
Hi Terri – Very nice progress indeed – as usual you do the ribtapes with perfect subtle toning – very convincing
Looking forward to the next update
Best Regards
Just finished the Wingnut Wings Taube. On to the Junkers D.1
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 - 01:28 AM UTC
Quoted Text
Hi Terri – Very nice progress indeed – as usual you do the ribtapes with perfect subtle toning – very convincing
Looking forward to the next update
Best Regards
Thanks Mikael .
On passed builds I have done a uniform apperance of the ribs on the top and lower surfaces of the wings , but to me it never looked right . It had this toy like look to it . So starting with the per-shading I would go a little heavier with it in key areas . The same with when the cotes of paint are added but in different areas then the pre-shading . Having different tones gives the eye something more to look at .
I have started brush coating future in prep for the decals so an up-date will be coming soon. . .
Arizona, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 - 03:35 AM UTC
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Mark , thanks for the tip as well . Would Tamiya paints hold up to the scotch bright ?

Hi Terri:
You're welcome, I used Tamiya paints on my NINAK and it was the first time I had used the Scotch brite pad. It was sitting there in the sink, you know the kind, the yellow sponge and the green scotch brite pad on the other. I thought, hmmmmm: so I very lightly went over the upper wing, just to bring out some of the preshading, but not overdue it. Due to the fact it is a manual operation, you get various textures and tones, vice an even overall appearance. It worked for me.
We few, we happy few........
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 01:27 AM UTC
Got the decals on and had few problems with them . The kit decals were not useable at all , off center just like Rodens half the time . So I raided decals from a Eduard Camel kit which are a little over sized for the wings but would do . They sucked down very tight and had troubles moving them around to line them up . Didn't matter how much water was added it didn't aid in the least bit .
The makings on the fuselage sides ( robbed from spare box ( Rodens ) silver so bad when I removed the one I had down it pulled 5 cotes of future and paint with it ! So touch up is needed on the right side as well now .
Prop has it's base cote on as well as the struts . The grainning can begin now .
West Virginia, United States
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Posted: Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 01:41 AM UTC
Go, Terri, go!! Looking great! You are going to have an awesome vac build when it's done.
Arizona, United States
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Posted: Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 03:39 AM UTC
Hi Terri:
Too bad about the decal and the paint, minor set backs to be sure, but irritating just the same. You are making progress and this will be a neat build when you are finished.
We few, we happy few........
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 05:14 AM UTC
Yes, I'm sure them pesky irritations won't stop you Terri.. frustrating I know. I feel for you...now get it finished

Seriously you have done a wonderful job on this build especially considering the obstacles you've overcome.
Still can't cure the AMS even with sausage finger implants & olde eyes.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 01:31 PM UTC
Thanks guy's !
A few set backs yes , but nothing that can't be fixed in the end .
Not sure if this would fall under a vac kit Mark when only the two fuselage halves were used . Multi media maybe , there is plastic , balsa wood , white metal , brass , resin and steel . The only thing missing is the kitchen sink !
The decals have been sealed . To play it safe this time I will let this dry for a day or two ...............................................
England - South East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 08:42 PM UTC
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Thanks guy's !
A few set backs yes , but nothing that can't be fixed in the end .
Not sure if this would fall under a vac kit Mark when only the two fuselage halves were used . Multi media maybe , there is plastic , balsa wood , white metal , brass , resin and steel . The only thing missing is the kitchen sink !
The decals have been sealed . To play it safe this time I will let this dry for a day or two ...............................................
Yes learn patience young Padawan
Still can't cure the AMS even with sausage finger implants & olde eyes.
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Saturday, March 12, 2011 - 05:42 PM UTC
This padawan has lot's of patience ,yes . Just not when I'm in a bad mood and those are the days I should just stay away from the bench .
Since i had to do a bit of sanding on the right side of the fuselage to smooth things out again . I removed the PE ammo bins from both sides and will redo them .
After doing some more digging in the spare decal box i was able to find two more roundles for the fuselage sides .
Alberta, Canada
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Posted: Sunday, March 13, 2011 - 01:38 PM UTC
Took me most of the day to do it , but I did it !
Both ammo bins are done and fixed in place . Was even able to retouch the camo as well . She is now tucked in for the night while the paint get's some drying time in .
I made the ammo bins with 0/05 thou card going by photo's in various datafiles . The head rest I made from using a srcape of 40 thou card shape with a sanding stick and coted in testors liquid glue to soften ot the edges .
I was close to matching the paint as well . Time will tell once the clear cote is on to blend it in with the rest in perp for the decals .
And what she now looks like with paint .