Done, or as done as its going to get. (pics loaded into gallery)
Painting went OK after getting used to the MR Color Enamel (had a curious tendency to blow spider webs from my airbrush, not enough thinner I think).
Decaling though produced some, difficulties shall I say. I keep water in an old methylated spirits (pure alcohol) bottle (clearly marked as water) next to my bottle that in use. Not looking I poured some "water" into my shallow dish I use for decaling, after 10 seconds I tried the decal didn't want to come off, ok let it sit longer, another 15 seconds, still no joy, gently nudge it with a brush and print starts coming off, right about the I glance the bottle and see its not water DOH! well quickly grab another dish pour real H2O into it this and bath the decal in it. 5 seconds later the decal (or whats left of it) happily detaches and settles where it belongs (under the wing).
Ok grab another new dish not contaminated with any alcohol add water other wing goes fine tail numbers fine, then going for the fuselage national markings. Not fine. Both sides tear and one of the numbers, time to call this kit finished. Best kit ever done? No, but not my worst either. Have put Eduards kit onto my wish list.
Anyhow heres the pics.
First, underneath problem

Next one of the cracked decals

and the two shots I uploaded to the Gallery

Having now built 2 Hobby Boss kits I would say my opinion of them is average.
First was a 1/72 Lynx helicopter, lacked cabin detail and light on overall, but went together very well and no real problem with decals even though they were almost full kit in some places.
This kit, much better detail, went together poorly in some parts and bad experience with decals (not all my fault).
Hoping for a much better show with Hobby Boss F-111C and Tomcat I have in my stash.