After a number of "tears of rage/frustration" attempts, I finally got the thinner-diameter control cables installed in both sides of the bomb bay ceiling. See below.

It only happened after I ripped out the old ones installed on the stbd ceiling and settled on a method that created a tighter, bundled look on both sides. I simply cut four uniform lengths of wire and glued them together using crazy-clue to create four bars sitting side-by-side, then glued that into each side of the ceiling.
This approach created the proper, tighter "look" for the cable runs and also, not incidentally, is necessary to create better clearance for installation of the tall, inner bomb racks in the ceiling.
Some work on those can be seen below.
No, the holes aren't parallel in all cases, but that will even out with the installation of the brackets, which aren't uniformly positioned either. See below.
Am I tired of the bomb bay, and posting pictures of it? As one of my old, first year/"Paper Chase" type law professors said when a student asked an obvious-answer question: "What do you think?"
At least there is an "end is in sight" aspect to this part of the build. I'm already looking at the radio room and thinking about what's going to be necessary for realistic bulkheads, whether to add extra seats on the right side, etc.
Will I EVER get the fuselage together? Who knows? Perhaps when I turn into a