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Progress looking exceptionally good, as is usual, and as usual, Karl has hit the nail on the head with his observations on the waist .50's.
Well, I really view this build as something of a collective effort. Karl's technical contributions have enhanced the work immeasurably, and I have benefited tangibly from my modeling friend's scratch-build creativity and expertise in the radio room and the ball turret, among other places (like the pilot seat armor plate!). It's also absolutely true that many blog comments have encouraged my to try stuff I would not have imagined doing on my own.
This might be the time to outline a bit where I think this is heading.
First, I will try to do a fairly complete job on the ball turret surroundings inside the fuselage now that the aft radio room door is open.
Second, with my friend's help I'm going to take a shot at doing a reasonably complete interior for the ball turret. I plan to place the turret at a 45 deg. angle off center, and to show the entry hatch open on the outside as appears in some photos. The A/C will be displayed with a mechanic crouching and peering inside from the side of the open ball door. [I do think there will have to be some "fool the eye stuff here!]
Third, I expect the waist positions to be fairly complete, including control cables.
Fourth, I'll use the Eduard exterior P/E sets selectively for the fuselage and wings. I do want to try and have the cockpit with open pilots' windows on either side so some of the detail there can be seen better.
Fifth, with my friend's help I am probably going to install fairly complete wheel well interiors. Someone else out there in the intertoobz has a "how to" breakdown of this for his build -- and I expect to follow that recipe.
Sixth, the build will also have those way kewl Brassin R-1820s and accurate cowlings.
I am NOT going for movable control surfaces, or open flaps. Not necessary.
Lastly, the A/C WILL be part of a diorama. In a [much] later post I'll discuss this, but let me make more progress on the actual A/C! What I can say now, because I bought the stuff, is that the diorama will include Tamiya's Fuel Truck and Staff Car. It will also have a putt-putt starter engine (Signifer) and an RAF style bomb cart with 4 x 500 lb. bombs. (Flightpath and Brassin).
The Diorama base will be the Noy's Miniatures RAF/USAAF WWII Bomber hardstand.
In my dreams, but I'm gonna try.