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mike that is a great job!!! I like the camo. could you show how you did it? the subtle effect between the mottle and base color is perfect. please show your process of the weathering and filters too if you could I am always looking to improve my limited technic.
what scale is your build and kit? I want to build a two seater next.
btw I agree w/u- photobucket is a pain. too many adds slow it to a crawl and I hate the video adds they run while your trying to upload photos.
I've got an old Tamiya SG superfine double action airbrush, sort of on on its last legs, but it is hanging in there.
The base coat is Vallejo Air RML 74 (blue grey, I think its called) the mottling is tamiya xf 22 (RML 02 clone) thinned waayyyy down. almost 50/50 paint to rubbing alc. I did not use the darker grey called out in the instructions.
The pressure is very low, 20psi and the needle is tightened way down for very little paint flow.
As for the mottles, it's really just scribbled on there, short zig zag lines running up and down and then back overtop going left right.
I kept the airbrush moving pretty quickly and just light taps on the trigger to get paint. I am pretty pleased with the light, almost transparent, blotches of cammo.
I had tried to get mottles at the edges of other German late war a/c cammo, but in retrospect I was just using the paint I had been filling in cammo with and really needed to thin the paint much much more for the mottles
It's really a different way to paint than I am used to for 1/35th armor, when I am looking for base coat coverage or to fill in cammo patterns.
Hope this helps