All modellers ask questions, young and old please don't feel it's stupid. Modellers always have questions in relation to what they see or read, of what others have done to put a finish to their models.
With the Maskol it is a rubberish type solution when paint is applied the Maskol shows up as a slightly higher ridge in the paintwork, {one of the pix I posted earlier shows the Maskol over the Fuselage area, before I applied the cam scheme}, it can be removed either by rubbing a finger over the model surface, or you can use masking tape or the back of a scalpal blade.
In refs to weight:-
I use the lead pellets from shot gun cartridages, {I bourght a 5Lb container 10 years ago [from a gun shop] and that would see me out in about 25 years time}, I asume your building the Academy 72 Scale PBY 5a Catalina [the Aphibious version with a tricycle undercarriage].
This what I would do if I was building this version:- using a piece of styrene sheet cut to fit inside the fuselage half level with the forward edge of the undercarriage side frame, as a support for a false floor to the inside rear of the cockpit bulkhead, as a place to hide the lead shot.
I'd make it as 2 seperate units one for each side slightly inward of the centre fuselage seams, which when covered over {with the false floor} the centreline of each housing would support the floor plate covering.
To do this: DRY FIT the fuselage and main wing {minus the clear parts}, using either masking tape, rubber bands or cloths pegs, or even a conbination of all, put the tailplanes in the side blisters, place a rod threw the Flight Engineers windows {the rectangular window of the wing support} and support the model on something. Rest the wing into position and using a medicine container poor the lead shot into the model untill it drops below the line of it's level stance, {resting on the nose gear}.
Once the lead shot is placed in the model, I would then remove the wings and tailplanes, tip the lead shot into a container, then build the false floor and supports for both fuselage halves, add the lead shot and using Aliphatic Resin, {this is a resin based water solubale white glue used for model railroad layouts,which dries clear and can be painted over if needed, this would hold the lead in place for the life of the model}, [candle wax will eventually seperate from the model and the lead shot], glue one half of the false floor plate to the fuselage.
I hope this is helpfull. I'll have a search threw my pix and see what I can find of models I have used lead weights for as a guide for the above explanation.
The 'Guinea Pig' I am building does not have lead weight in it as the Beaching Gear will be attached.